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Sublime Text 3 Build 3114 版發布及在Ubuntu 16.04安裝

日期:2017/4/19 13:53:21   编辑:Linux安裝

Sublime Text 3 Build 3114 版發布及在Ubuntu 16.04安裝

Sublime Text 3 Build 3114近日發布下載,是一個復雜的跨平台文本和源代碼編輯器,使用Python應用程序編程接口(API)。Sublime Text專有軟件,功能擴展與插件。

Sublime Text 是一個代碼編輯器,也是HTML和散文先進的文本編輯器。它不同於系統自帶的文本編輯器,可以說是轉為開發人員量身定做的。Sublime Text支持多種編程語言的語法高亮、擁有優秀的代碼自動完成功能,按Table鍵補全,就像平常敲交換機或linux命令一樣。擁有代碼片段(Snippet)的功能,可以將常用的代碼片段保存起來,在需要時隨時調用。支持 VIM 模式,可以使用Vim模式下的多數命令。支持宏,簡單地說就是把操作錄制下來或者自己編寫命令,然後播放剛才錄制的操作或者命令。還支持多種插件,可擴展性非常強!Sublime Text 3新版已更新Build 3111。

Sublime Text 3 build 3114 更新日志

New C++, JavaScript and Rust syntax definitions with improved accuracy and performance

Many other syntax highlighting improvements

OSX: Improved rendering performance, especially on high resolution screens

Improved word wrap behavior

Improved spell check behavior

Improved file indexing behavior with multiple windows open

Themes may now be switched on the fly without artifacts

HTML: Pressing enter when between a tag pair will increase indentation

Some snippets have have been moved into a sub-directories, so custom overrides and key bindings that reference them will need to be updated

show_scope_name command shows the scope in a popup

Package Development: Added ‘Syntax Tests – Regex Compatibility’ build variant for evaluating syntax definition performance

Package Development: Expanded the set of regexes the new regex engine is able to handle

Syntax Definitions: Fixed some cases where pop matches with back references weren’t working correctly

Fixed some Unicode handling issues in Goto Anything

Fixed a scenario where changes to .tmPreferences files weren’t being picked up

Fixed a 3096 rendering performance regression

Fixed a 3096 regression in regular expressions when using \x{nnnn} escapes

Fixed a crash that could occur with an invalid result_file_regex settings

API: Added window.status_message

API: Changes to how plugins are loaded. This should be transparent, but resolves a number of corner cases

API: Updated to Python 3.3.6, and now includes the _ssl module on Linux, plus sqlite3 and bz2 on all platforms

API: Updated OpenSSL to 1.0.2h

Install Sublime Text 3 Build 3114 on Ubuntu 16.04 and other derivatives

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3

Sublime Text 3 Build 3114 版發布及在Ubuntu 16.04安裝

sudo apt-get update

Ubuntu 16.04安裝電子雜志制作軟件 Scribus 1.5.2

sudo apt-get install sublime-text-installer

Sublime Text 3 Build 3114 版發布及在Ubuntu 16.04安裝


Sublime Text 3 Build 3114 版發布及在Ubuntu 16.04安裝

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