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日期:2017/2/27 14:29:29   编辑:更多Linux
  zt from http://www.chinaJavaworld.com (一)斷點續傳的原理 其實斷點續傳的原理很簡單,就是在Http的請求上和一般的下載有所不同而已。 打個比方,浏覽器請求服務器上的一個文時,所發出的請求如下: 假設服務器域名為wwww.sjtu.edu.cn,文件名為down.zip。 GET /down.zip HTTP/1.1 Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.ms- Excel, application/msWord, application/vnd.ms-Powerpoint, */* Accept-Language: zh-cn Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0) Connection: Keep-Alive 服務器收到請求後,按要求尋找請求的文件,提取文件的信息,然後返回給浏覽器,返回信息如下: 200 Content-Length=106786028 Accept-Ranges=bytes Date=Mon, 30 Apr 2001 12:56:11 GMT ETag=W/"02ca57e173c11:95b" Content-Type=application/octet-stream Server=Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Last-Modified=Mon, 30 Apr 2001 12:56:11 GMT   所謂斷點續傳,也就是要從文件已經下載的地方開始繼續下載。所以在客戶端浏覽器傳給 Web服務器的時候要多加一條信息--從哪裡開始。 下面是用自己編的一個"浏覽器"來傳遞請求信息給Web服務器,要求從2000070字節開始。 GET /down.zip HTTP/1.0 User-Agent: NetFox RANGE: bytes=2000070- Accept: text/Html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2 仔細看一下就會發現多了一行RANGE: bytes=2000070- 這一行的意思就是告訴服務器down.zip這個文件從2000070字節開始傳,前面的字節不用傳了。 服務器收到這個請求以後,返回的信息如下: 206 Content-Length=106786028 Content-Range=bytes 2000070-106786027/106786028 Date=Mon, 30 Apr 2001 12:55:20 GMT ETag=W/"02ca57e173c11:95b" Content-Type=application/octet-stream Server=Microsoft-IIS/5.0 Last-Modified=Mon, 30 Apr 2001 12:55:20 GMT 和前面服務器返回的信息比較一下,就會發現增加了一行: Content-Range=bytes 2000070-106786027/106786028 返回的代碼也改為206了,而不再是200了。 知道了以上原理,就可以進行斷點續傳的編程了。 (二)Java實現斷點續傳的關鍵幾點 (1)用什麼方法實現提交RANGE: bytes=2000070-。 當然用最原始的Socket是肯定能完成的,不過那樣太費事了,其實Java的net包中提供了這種功能。代碼如下: URL url = new URL("http://www.sjtu.edu.cn/down.zip");

HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection   (); //設置User-Agent httpConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent","NetFox"); //設置斷點續傳的開始位置 httpConnection.setRequestProperty("RANGE","bytes=2000070"); //獲得輸入流 InputStream input = httpConnection.getInputStream(); 從輸入流中取出的字節流就是down.zip文件從2000070開始的字節流。 大家看,其實斷點續傳用Java實現起來還是很簡單的吧。 接下來要做的事就是怎麼保存獲得的流到文件中去了。 保存文件采用的方法。 我采用的是IO包中的RandAccessFile類。 操作相當簡單,假設從2000070處開始保存文件,代碼如下: RandomAccess oSavedFile = new RandomAccessFile("down.zip","rw"); long nPos = 2000070; //定位文件指針到nPos位置 oSavedFile.seek(nPos); byte[] b = new byte[1024]; int nRead; //從輸入流中讀入字節流,然後寫到文件中 while((nRead=input.read(b,0,1024)) > 0) { oSavedFile.write(b,0,nRead); } 怎麼樣,也很簡單吧。 接下來要做的就是整合成一個完整的程序了。包括一系列的線程控制等等。 (三)斷點續傳內核的實現 主要用了6個類,包括一個測試類。 SiteFileFetch.java負責整個文件的抓取,控制內部線程(FileSplitterFetch類)。 FileSplitterFetch.java負責部分文件的抓取。 FileAccess.java負責文件的存儲。 SiteInfoBean.java要抓取的文件的信息,如文件保存的目錄,名字,抓取文件的URL等。 Utility.java工具類,放一些簡單的方法。 TestMethod.java測試類。 下面是源程序: /* **SiteFileFetch.java */ package NetFox; import java.io.*; import java.net.*; public class SiteFileFetch extends Thread { SiteInfoBean siteInfoBean = null; //文件信息Bean long[] nStartPos; //開始位置 long[] nEndPos; //結束位置 FileSplitterFetch[] fileSplitterFetch; //子線程對象 long nFileLength; //文件長度 boolean bFirst = true; //是否第一次取文件 boolean bStop = false; //停止標志 File tmpFile; //文件下載的臨時信息 DataOutputStream output; //輸出到文件的輸出流 public SiteFileFetch(SiteInfoBean bean) throws IOException { siteInfoBean = bean; //tmpFile = File.createTempFile ("zhong","1111",new File(bean.getSFilePath())); tmpFile = new File(bean.getSFilePath()+File.separator + bean.getSFileName()+".info"); if(tmpFile.exists ()) { bFirst = false; read_nPos(); } else { nStartPos = new long[bean.getNSplitter()]; nEndPos = new long[bean.getNSplitter()]; } } public void run() { //獲得文件長度 //分割文件 //實例FileSplitterFetch //啟動FileSplitterFetch線程 //等待子線程返回 try{ if(bFirst) { nFileLength = getFileSize(); if(nFileLength == -1) {

System.err.println("File Length is not known!"); } else if(nFileLength == -2) { System.err.println("File is not access!"); } else { for(int i=0;i new FileSplitterFetch( siteInfoBean.getSSiteURL(), siteInfoBean.getSFilePath() + File.separator + siteInfoBean.getSFileName(), nStartPos[i],nEndPos[i],i); Utility.log( " Thread " + i + " , nStartPos =" + nStartPos[i]+", nEndPos = " + nEndPos[i]); fileSplitterFetch[i].start(); } // fileSplitterFetch[nPos.length-1] = new FileSplitterFetch(siteInfoBean.getSSiteURL(), siteInfoBean.getSFilePath() + File.separator + siteInfoBean.getSFileName() , nPos[nPos.length-1], nFileLength, nPos.length-1); // Utility.log("Thread " + (nPos.length-1 ) + " , nStartPos = " + nPos[nPos.length-1] + ", nEndPos = " + nFileLength); // fileSplitterFetch[nPos.length-1].start(); //等待子線程結束 //int count = 0; //是否結束while循環 boolean breakWhile = false; while(!bStop) { write_nPos(); Utility.sleep(500); breakWhile = true; for(int i=0;i4) // siteStop(); } System.err.println("文件下載結束!"); } catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} } //獲得文件長度 public long getFileSize() { int nFileLength = -1; try{ URL url = new URL(siteInfoBean.getSSiteURL()); HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection (); httpConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent","NetFox"); int responseCode=httpConnection.getResponseCode(); if(responseCode>=400) { processErrorCode(responseCode); return -2; //-2 represent access is error } String sHeader; for(int i=1;;i++) { //DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(httpConnection.getInputStream ()); //Utility.log(in.readLine()); sHeader=httpConnection.getHeaderFieldKey(i); if(sHeader!=null) { if(sHeader.equals("Content-Length")) { nFileLength = Integer.parseInt(httpConnection.getHeaderField(sHeader)); break; } } else break; } } catch(IOException e){e.printStackTrace ();} catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} Utility.log(nFileLength); return nFileLength; } //保存下載信息(文件指針位置) private void write_nPos() { try{ output = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)); output.writeInt(nStartPos.length); for(int i=0;iDataInputStream(new FileInputStream(tmpFile)); int nCount = input.readInt(); nStartPos = new long[nCount]; nEndPos = new long[nCount]; for(int i=0;i 0 & & nStartPos < nEndPos && !bStop)

{ nStartPos += fileAccessI.write(b,0,nRead); //if(nThreadID == 1) // Utility.log("nStartPos = " + nStartPos + ", nEndPos = " + nEndPos); } Utility.log("Thread " + nThreadID + " is over!"); bDownOver = true; //nPos = fileAccessI.write (b,0,nRead); } catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} } } //打印回應的頭信息 public void logResponseHead(HttpURLConnection con) { for(int i=1;;i++) { String header=con.getHeaderFieldKey(i); if(header!=null) //responseHeaders.put(header,httpConnection.getHeaderField(header)); Utility.log(header+" : "+con.getHeaderField(header)); else break; } } public void splitterStop() { bStop = true; } } /* **FileAccess.java */ package NetFox; import java.io.*; public class FileAccessI implements Serializable{ RandomAccessFile oSavedFile; long nPos; public FileAccessI() throws IOException { this("",0); } public FileAccessI(String sName,long nPos) throws IOException { oSavedFile = new RandomAccessFile(sName,"rw"); this.nPos = nPos; oSavedFile.seek(nPos); } public synchronized int write(byte[] b,int nStart,int nLen) { int n = -1; try{ oSavedFile.write(b,nStart,nLen); n = nLen; } catch(IOException e) { e.printStackTrace (); } return n; } } /* **SiteInfoBean.java */ package NetFox; public class SiteInfoBean { private String sSiteURL; //Site's URL private String sFilePath; //Saved File's Path private String sFileName; //Saved File's Name private int nSplitter; //Count of Splited Downloading File public SiteInfoBean() { //default value of nSplitter is 5 this("","","",5); } public SiteInfoBean(String sURL,String sPath,String sName,int nSpiltter) { sSiteURL= sURL; sFilePath = sPath; sFileName = sName; this.nSplitter = nSpiltter; } public String getSSiteURL() { return sSiteURL; } public void setSSiteURL(String value) { sSiteURL = value; } public String getSFilePath() { return sFilePath; } public void setSFilePath(String value) { sFilePath = value; } public String getSFileName() { return sFileName;

} public void setSFileName(String value) { sFileName = value; } public int getNSplitter() { return nSplitter; } public void setNSplitter(int nCount) { nSplitter = nCount; } } /* **Utility.java */ package NetFox; public class Utility { public Utility() { } public static void sleep(int nSecond) { try{ Thread.sleep(nSecond); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace (); } } public static void log(String sMsg) { System.err.println(sMsg); } public static void log(int sMsg) { System.err.println(sMsg); } } /* **TestMethod.java */ package NetFox; public class TestMethod { public TestMethod() { ///xx/weblogic60b2_win.exe try{ SiteInfoBean bean = new SiteInfoBean("http://localhost/xx/weblogic60b2_win.exe"," L: emp","weblogic60b2_win.exe",5); //SiteInfoBean bean = new SiteInfoBean("http://localhost:8080/down.zip"," L: emp","weblogic60b2_win.exe",5); SiteFileFetch fileFetch = new SiteFileFetch(bean); fileFetch.start(); } catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} } public static void main(String[] args) { new TestMethod(); } }

{ System.err.println(sMsg); } } /* **TestMethod.java */ package NetFox; public class TestMethod { public TestMethod() { ///xx/weblogic60b2_win.exe try{ SiteInfoBean bean = new SiteInfoBean("http://localhost/xx/weblogic60b2_win.exe"," L: emp","weblogic60b2_win.exe",5); //SiteInfoBean bean = new SiteInfoBean("http://localhost:8080/down.zip"," L: emp","weblogic60b2_win.exe",5); SiteFileFetch fileFetch = new SiteFileFetch(bean); fileFetch.start(); } catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} } public static void main(String[] args) { new TestMethod(); } }

/* **Utility.java */ package NetFox; public class Utility { public Utility() { } public static void sleep(int nSecond) { try{ Thread.sleep(nSecond); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace (); } } public static void log(String sMsg) { System.err.println(sMsg); } public static void log(int sMsg) { System.err.println(sMsg); } } /* **TestMethod.java */ package NetFox; public class TestMethod { public TestMethod() { ///xx/weblogic60b2_win.exe try{ SiteInfoBean bean = new SiteInfoBean("http://localhost/xx/weblogic60b2_win.exe"," L: emp","weblogic60b2_win.exe",5); //SiteInfoBean bean = new SiteInfoBean("http://localhost:8080/down.zip"," L: emp","weblogic60b2_win.exe",5); SiteFileFetch fileFetch = new SiteFileFetch(bean); fileFetch.start(); } catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace ();} } public static void main(String[] args) { new TestMethod(); } }

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