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日期:2017/3/1 17:02:36   编辑:關於Linux
一個查找並上傳已更新文件的ftp腳本 #!/bin/ksh ######################################################## #Date: 2012-12-19 #name: swiftftp.sh #decription: 無限循環,每1分鐘執行一次,查找當前目錄中 修改時間超過1分鐘但未超過 # 2分鐘的文件,ftp到前置上 ######################################################## www.2cto.com datestr=`date "+%Y%m%d"` _logname=dynamicftp${datestr}.log chmod +x * if [[ ! -f ${_logname} ]];then touch ${_logname}; fi #該函數打印參數1的時間戳 # perl usage: perl -e "$a=1+4;exit($a);" cal_timestamp() { perl -e ' use Time::Local; # get current time # 參數表示,要求返還minu_num個分鐘之前的時間戳yyyymmddhhmm.ss $minu_num="$ARGV[0]"; localtime(time); $time1= time -60*$minu_num; ($sec, $min, $hr, $mday, $mon, $yr, $wday, $yday, $isdst)=localtime($time1); $yr=$yr+1900; $mon=$mon+1; $beforetime=sprintf("%d%02d%02d%02d%02d.%02d",$yr,$mon,$mday,$hr,$min,$sec); print "$beforetime" ' "$1" #把函數的第一個參數,用這種形式傳遞給perl } www.2cto.com #最外層循環 while [[ 1 -eq 1 ]] ; do # example use of cal_timestamp: oneminubef=$( cal_timestamp "1") echo "1 minutes before:$oneminubef" >> ${_logname} twominubef=$( cal_timestamp "2") echo "2 minutes before:$twominubef" >> ${_logname} # create two older files touch -t $oneminubef oneminubef.tmp touch -t $twominubef twominubef.tmp #find the file list which is younger than 2 minutes but older than 1 minutes #find usage: find -newer file1 ! file2 touch tempfile01 chmod 777 tempfile01 find . -newer twominubef.tmp ! -newer oneminubef.tmp | grep -v '^./oneminubef.tmp' |grep -v "^./${_logname}" |grep -v "{$0}" > tempfile01 #read the file and strcat the files a=0 filenames= while read line do line=`echo $line | sed -e 's/^ *//' -e 's/ *$//'` #去除空格 length=`echo ${line} | awk '{print length($1);}'` #計算字符數 if [[ ${length} -gt 0 ]]; then #防止空行 newline=${line#*/} #去除文件名前面的./ filenames=$filenames" "$newline a=`expr $a + 1` fi done < tempfile01 rm -rf tempfile01 oneminubef.tmp twominubef.tmp echo "files :$filenames" >> ${_logname} _username=test _passwd=test if [[ $a -gt 0 ]]; then ftp -in << ! user ${_username} ${_passwd} bi mput $filenames bye ! fi if [[ $? -eq 0 && a -gt 0 ]]; then echo `date`" successfully put $a files on server" >> ${_logname} elif [[ a -gt 0 ]]; then echo `date`" put files error!" >> ${_logname} else echo `date`" no files need to be put!" >> ${_logname} fi sleep 60 done
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