1. linux 基礎命令
who, which, basename, dirname, echo, type, hash, whatis, makewhatis, man, info, help, ls, cd,pwd, mkdir, rmdir, touch, rm, date, hwcolck, cal, shutdown, reboot, tty
1 who : Show who is logged on, print information about users who are currently logged in.
2 which : Show the full path of (shell) commands
which pwd, which shutdown
3 basename : Print name with any leading directory components removed.
basename /usr/bin/sort , Output: sort
4 dirname : strip non-directory suffix from file name
dirname /usr/bin/sort , Output: /usr/bin
5 命令替換
‘ ’ :強引用,變量不會替換;
“ ” :若引用,變量可以替換;
` ` :命令應用,類似$()
6 echo : display a line of text , 回顯
echo $PATH , Output: /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin
echo '$PATH' , Output: $PATH
echo "zhu biao" , Output: zhu biao
echo `date +%F`(echo $(date +%F)) , Output: 2016-10-26
7 type : Display information about command type
type cd , Output: cd is a shell builtin
type shutdown , Output: shutdown is /sbin/shutdown, 若shutdown已經執行過,將會添加到hash數據庫,則:shutdown is hashed (/sbin/shutdown)
8 hash : Rember or display program loacations, 顯示hash數據庫,執行過的程序次數、位置。
9 whatis : 簡潔描述某個命令的功能,該命令在manual文檔中的章節
whatis shutdown , Output:
shutdown (2) - shut down part of a full-duplex connection
shutdown (3p) - shut down socket send and receive operations
shutdown (8) - bring the system down
10 makewhatis : Create the whatis datebase
11 shell command 分為內部命令和外部命令
內部命令幫助:help command
外部命令幫助:command --help, man command, info command
12 man : man [section] command , manual , 命令,配置文件格式,庫調用等幫助文檔
1: User Commands
2: System Calls
3: C Library Functions
4: Devices and Special Files
5: File Formats and Conventions
6: Games et. Al.
7: Miscellanea
8: System Administrations tools and Deamons
13 info : 獲取在線幫助文檔,使用方法類似man
14 help : shell內部命令幫助文檔
help ls
15 {a,b} : 可展開
{a,b}/{x,y} : a/x a/y b/x b/y
{a,b}-heburn-{x,y} : a-heburn-x a-heburn-y b-heburn-x b-heburn-y
16 ls : list directory contents
ls /home/zhubiao
17 cd : change the shell working directory
cd /home/zhubiao
cd ~ : 回到用戶家目錄
cd ~zhubiao : 回到用戶zhubiao家目錄
cd - : 回到上一個目錄
18 pwd : Print working directory
19 mkdir : make directories
Create directories /mnt/linux/bin, /mnt/linux/sbin, /mnt/bin, /mnt/sbin 可用如下命令:
mkdir -pv /mnt{/linux/{bin/sbin},bin,sbin}
20 rmdir : remove empty diretories
rmdir /mnt
rmdir -p /a/b
21 rm : remove files or directories
rm -rf /a/b/zhubiao
22 touch : 創建文件
23 date : print or set the system date and time
date [MMDDhhmm[[CC]YY][.ss] :
date 10262318 設定系統時間為10月26日 23:18,
date 102623182016.33 設定系統時間為 2016-10-26 23:18:33
date +%F , Output: 2016-10-26
date +%T , Output: 23:18:33
24 hwclock : query or set the hadway clock (RTC)
hwclock --set --date="102616 23:12:10"
hwclock -s(--hctosys)
hwclock -w(--systohc)
25 cal : Display a calendar
cal , Output:
October 2016
Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
30 31
26 shutdown : bring the system down
shutdown -h now
shutdown -r +5
27 reboot : reboot, halt, poweroff - reboot or stop the system
28 ternial
a.虛擬終端 tty#
b.物理終端 console
c.偽終端 pts/#
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