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日期:2017/2/27 9:31:51   编辑:更多Linux
  一. 在單個服務器上的備份  最常見的備份方法是在命令行上用經典的備份程序tar .是最通用最簡單也最有用的備份工具# tar cvf backup.tar /etc (備份整個etc 目錄及下面的所有子目錄和文件)#gzip -9 backup.tar (得到最大的壓縮率)    你可以把備份後的backup.tar.gz轉存到其它介質,CDR/CDRW光盤,私人信箱等    二. 跨服務器的備份  1. 利用ssh/scp功能直接把文件或目錄從一台服務器拷貝到另一台服務器上。參見文章荟萃中另一篇文章《如何不用密碼進行ssh/scp》  2.利用smbmount先mount另一台服務器上的Samba共享目錄到這台機器的某目錄下,直接進行cp操作。 如:[root@sh/mnt]# smbmount //sh3/pub /mnt/sh3 -N將服務器sh3上的Samba共享目錄pub mount到服務器sh上的/mnt/sh3目錄下面。且不提示密碼  3. 利用NFS功能進行服務器間的備份,有一定程序的安全性問題,在此不多做介紹。    三. 備份到其它介質  你可以備份到磁帶,ZIP drive , JAZ drive  1. 備份到磁帶  假設你已經設置並安裝好了磁帶機,本人用的是HP SuitStore 500,外置,SCSI接口。  1. 查看磁帶中的目錄 tar tvf /dev/st0   2. 查看磁帶內容並輸出到一個文件中 tar tvf /dev/st0 > stlist   3. 備份檔案 tar cvf /dev/st0 /etc    tar cvf /dev/st0 /etc/hosts /boot /etc/smb.conf   4. 按指定的文件內容或目錄釋放出磁帶中的相應文件  tar -T stlist -xvf /dev/st0    tar xvfz /dev/st0 /etc/   6. 附加個別文件到磁帶後面   tar -r /etc/hosts /etc/passwd -vf /dev/st0   7. 從現有磁帶中刪除一個或幾個文件   tar --delete etc/hosts -vf /dev/st0   8. 附加一個現有的tar文檔到磁帶後面    tar -A pamd.tar -vf /dev/st0  2. 備份到JAZ 驅動器  7.3 Getting a Zip drive to work   (參見Redhat FAQ: href="http://www.redhat.com/support/docs/faqs/rhl_general_faq/FAQ.Html"target="_blank">http://www.redhat.com/support/docs/faqs/rhl_general_faq/FAQ.html)  There are Excellent references in the ZIP HOWTOs at href="http://www.redhat.com/mirrors/LDP."target="_blank">http://www.redhat.com/mirrors/LDP.     Also, there is a Zip HOWTO at:     target="_blank">http://www.Linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX-3.html    In Red Hat Linux 6.1, there are a few extra steps needed to get a parallel port Zipdrive to work:     Edit your /etc/conf.modules and add:         alias parport_lowlevel parport_pc      alias scsi_hostadapter ppa        Then log in as root and run:   modprobe ppa     Some people have had problems if they daisy chain a Zip drive off of a chain with a printer on it. Currently, we recommend that you use either the printer or the Zipdrive.     For more information, check target="_blank">www.torque.net/paraport     If you are having problems with an IDE Zip drive, here is further information:     First check and make sure there is a disk in the drive. Also, make sure you aremounting it as partition 4 instead of 1. An example would be hdc4. The reason for this is thatthe Macintosh uses partition 4 for its data partition and has problems if data is on another partition.     3備份到 JAZ 驅動器  假定JAQ驅動器為SCSI接口,把JAZ驅動器當作SCSI鏈上的一個存儲設備即可。    四. 跨操作系統進行備份  1. 把Linux服務器上的數據資料備份到windows 95/98機器上 假定一台windows機器jephe有一完全讀寫共享目錄 data ,且密碼為 secret,現希望把Linux上的文件備份到這個共享目錄下,則先把這個共享可寫目錄mount到Linux下,再做普通的cp操作    附:在Linux上對Novell服務器上的數據進行備份:(http://www.pcquest.com/linux/netware.ASP) NetWare And Linux    Making your Linux server talk to NetWare servers and printers     As almost every Office-LAN has a NetWare server, your desktop client must be able totalk to NetWare. This article tells you how a Linux box can Access files on a Novellserver and print to a Novell print queue.    Linux, by default, uses the IP network protocol for network communication. However,Novell NetWare uses the IPX network protocol. As the Linux kernel has a completely newnetwork implementation compared to other operating systems like Unix, it supports a range of non-TCP/IP protocols including the IPX protocol. Kernels 2.x onwards have built-in IPX support. The Red Hat Linux distributed on our CD-ROM has it too. The Linux kernelsupports the IPX protocol only. It does not, yet, support protocols sUCh as IPX/RIP, SAP, orNCP.    The first step is to configure your IPX interfaces.     Login as root   Type ipx_configure--auto_primary= on --auto_interface=on   Wait for a minute and type cat /proc/net/ipx_interface. You should see something like:  Network Node_Address Primary Device Frame_Type  000000E1 00A0C925164A Yes eth0 802.2        4.Type slist. You should see a list of the NetWare servers on your LAN.     Known NetWare File Servers Network Node Address  D74_SERVER 00000D74 00000000001    If you don't, wait for a few minutes and retry. If the slist command displays amessage like: ncp_connect: Invalid argument, then your kernel probably does not support IPX.   Check that you have actually booted off the appropriate kernel. When you boot youshould see messages about IPX and ncpfs in system startup messages. If the slist commanddoes not list all of your fileservers, then you may need to use the manual networkconfiguration method. Type cat /proc/net/ipx_interface. You should see something like:    At this point, your Linux box is setup for IPX networking. Check if your kernel has support for NetWare NCP file system. The default Red Hat kernel has NCP file system support. You simply have to load the ncpfs module /usr/sbin/lib/modules/2.0.32/fs/ncpfs.0.   You can also add the line to your local file to load it automatically at the boottime.    Once that is done    Login as root (only root can mount NetWare volumes).   Type mkdir/netware to create a Directory for mounting the NetWare volumes.   Type ncpmount -S D74_SERVER -U user10 /netware. You will be prompted for a passWordfor user10.   At this point your server is mounted on /netware. The volumes are sub-directoriesunder /netware. So the SYS volume would be /netware/sys and the DATA volume would be/netware/data.   If you only want to mount a single volume, you can use ncpmount -S D74_SERVER -V sys-U user10 /netware. This will mount only the SYS volume to /netware.   When you finish using the Net-Ware volume, you can unmount usingncpumount/netware.   Tip: You don't need to manually unmount NetWare volumes when you shutdown.   When you want to share the mounted NetWare volume among other Linux users, you need to understand file permissions. The NetWare file system doesn't support user IDs andgroup IDs for directories. So all files and directories on the mounted directory have the permissions as the directory where it was mounted. For example, if you type ls-ld/netware, drwxrwxr-x 1 root root 512 Nov 24 1960 /netware is what you get.    So, all the NetWare files will have the above file permissions.     If you want non-root users to mount NetWare volumes, ncpmount command must be SetUserid Root, so you would need to type chmod 4755 ncpmount    Simplifying mounting of volumes    There is another way of configuring NetWare mounts-by creating a .nwclient file inyour home directory. This file contains details of temporary or user specific NetWare mountsthat would be performed regularly. It allows you to store the details of mounts so that you canrecreate them without specifying all details each time. Its format is quite straightforward:    # The first entry is the 'preferred server' entry and is  # used whenever you do not specify a server eXPlicitly.  #  # User USER01 login to D74_SERVER files

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