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日期:2017/2/27 9:37:59   编辑:更多Linux

 真正做起來開發工作,才發現一台CVS服務器是必不可少的,即使是很少的開發人員的項目,   使用CVS也會起到很大的作用,具體什麼作用,大家去體會:)     下面就把我架設CVS服務器的過程說說,和諸位前輩的不同之處在於我架設了一個WEB界面,   所以說是"友好的",通過WEB界面可以非常直觀的浏覽代碼,查看圖形化的修改記錄,(提交   可以log到mysql數據庫--This feature is a clone of the Mozilla Projects   Bonsai database.),目前SourceForge正在使用此界面的較低版本.     功能簡介:   1:Base CVS Server;   2:repository browsing.   3:SQL checkin database.   4:Colorize sourcecode.   5:Can display a clickable, graphical of files in a CVS repository.   6:generate tarball from a repository on the fly.       OK,Lets go!     1:初始化環境     #groupadd cvs     #mkdir /home2/cvsroot   #useradd -g cvs -G cvs -d /home2/cvsroot cvsroot     #su - cvsroot   $chmod 775 .     OK!     2:啟動CVS Server   諸位大蝦已經有了很精辟的說明,拿來就是了!:P     #more /etc/servicesgrep cvspserver   cvspserver 2401/tcp # CVS client/server operations   cvspserver 2401/udp # CVS client/server operations     OK,RedHat系統不傻,可以寫腳本了.     #vi /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver   service cvspserver   {   disable = no   flags = REUSE   socket_type = stream   wait = no   user = root   server = /usr/bin/cvs   server_args = -f --allow-root=/home2/cvsroot pserver   log_on_failure += USERID   }     :wq     #ls /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver   /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver     腳本好了!     #su - cvsroot   $cvs -d /home2/cvsroot init   #service xinetd restart     看看有沒有?     #netstat -l grep cvspserver   tcp 0 0 *:cvspserver *:* LISTEN     Great!       3:Add a Web Interface,viewcvs-0.9.2       URL:http://viewcvs.sourceforge.net/     要求比較個性,很多很多!列表:     a:   Python 1.5 or later(http://www.python.org/)   Rh7.2竟然有兩個python,1.5和2.1,更加有個性!   b:   RCS, Revision Control System(http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/trinkle/RCS/)   Rh7.2自帶.   c:   read-only, physical Access to a CVS repository(See http://www.cvshome.org/ for more information)   Rh7.2自帶.   d:   a web server capable of running CGI programs(for example, Apache at http://httpd.apache.org/)   viewcvs-0.9.2文檔竟然說apache是可選項:(   e:   GNU-diff to replace broken diff implementations(http://www.gnu.org/software/diffutils/diffutils.Html)   Rh7.2自帶.   f:MySQL to create and query a commit database(http://www.mysql.com/)   Rh7.2自帶.   g:(http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python)(and Python 1.5.2 or later)   去拉   h:Enscript to colorize code displayed from the CVS repository(http://people.ssh.com/mtr/genscript/)   去拉   i:CvsGraph for a graphical representation of the CVS revisions(http://www.akhphd.au.dk/~bertho/cvsgraph/)   去拉     #tar zxvf cvsgraph-1.1.3.tar.gz   #cd cvsgraph-1.1.3   #./configure   #make   #cp cvsgraph /usr/bin   #mkdir /etc/cvsgraph   #cp cvsgraph.conf /etc/cvsgraph     #rpm -ivh egenix-mx-base-2.0.3-py2.1_1.i386.rpm   #rpm -ivh MySQL-python-0.9.1-1py2.i386.rpm       #tar zxvf viewcvs-0.9.2.tar.gz   #cd viewcvs-0.9.2   #./viewcvs-install   #cp /usr/local/viewcvs-0.9.2/cgi/viewcvs.cgi /var/www/cgi-bin     #cp /usr/local/cvsview-0.9.2/PyFontify* /usr/lib/python2.1/   #cp /usr/local/cvsview-0.9.2/py2html* /usr/lib/python2.1/   OK!     /**********MySQL****************/   建兩個用戶,cvsroot(passWord:cvsroot)使用root權限,cvsread(password:cvsread)   使用只讀權限.     #/usr/local/cvsview-0.9.2/make-datebase   OK!     #vi /usr/local/viewcvs-0.9.2/viewcvs.conf   cvs_roots =   Development : /home2/cvsroot     rcs_path = /usr/bin/     address = [email protected]     [cvsdb]     host = localhost   database_name = ViewCVS   user = cvsroot   passwd = cvsroot   readonly_user = cvsread   readonly_passwd = cvsread   row_limit = 1000     py2html_path = /usr/lib/python2.1     enscript_path = /usr/bin/     allow_tar = 1     use_cvsgraph = 1       ********************************************************   ***如果同時安裝python-1.x和python-2x(比如RedHat7.2)   ***以下千萬注意(我們使用python-2.x)   ********************************************************   cd /usr/local/viewcvs-0.9.2   loginfo-handler,standalone.py,cvsdbadmin   以及   cd /usr/local/viewcvs-0.9.2/cgi下的所有文件,     首行改為:#!/usr/bin/python2     #cp /usr/local/viewcvs-0.9.2/cgi/viewcvs.cgi /var/www/cgi-bin   OK了!       4:Add user     #usermod -G cvs username #使用系統驗證     OK,enjoy CVS!       5:微調     #mkdir /var/lock/cvs   #mkdir /var/lock/cvs/CVSROOT   #chmod -R 775 /var/lock/cvs   #chown -R cvsroot.cvs /var/lock/cvs   #su - hleil   $eXPort CVSROOT=:pserver:[email protected]:/home2/cvsroot   $cvs login   $cvs checkout CVSROOT   $cd CVSROOT   $vi loginfo   ALL (echo %{sVv}; cat) /usr/local/viewcvs-0.9.2/loginfo-handler #SQL checkin   :wq     $vi config   SystemAuth=yes #使用系統驗證   LockDir=/var/lock/cvs #for security   LogHistory=all   :wq     $cvs commit   #service xinetd restart       Great!終於好了!     呵呵,下面就開始你的代碼之旅吧!

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