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日期:2017/2/27 11:57:07   编辑:Linux文化

這裡的擔心,我指的是對失敗的畏懼感。我曾經遇到過像“我正准備從windows轉移到 ubuntu系統上”這樣的問題,但總是因為畏懼,最終沒有付諸實踐。人們總是在想,“如果出錯了怎麼辦?”。我猜測,這種情況同樣適用於IT部門中。我能想象,如果一個IT部門的某位員工希望轉移100個人到linux環境下,肯定會存在很重的疑慮:oh,會不會出什麼大問題?當然,這種擔心也許是完全不必要的。但讓我們來看看,想象一個IT職場中可能會發生的幾種情形:

1 她將上百個員工轉移到了linux環境下,出了一些問題,也許是一堆問題。她會受到所有人的指責,並且……恩,被解雇。 2 她將上百個員工轉移到了linux環境下,所有的一切都比較正常。但是……某個程序,其運行的方式看起來和windows下還不大一樣(例如 openoffice),於是,她將面對一張張憤怒的臉,人們將指責她,質疑她為什麼要讓大伙轉移環境,隨之而來的還有一系列其他舉動…… 3 她堅持停留在windows環境下,不幸的是……windows出錯了(對不起,是又出錯了)!所有人都開始指責微軟公司,並對她報以同情。 4 這次,轉移的目標變成了windows vista,並且轉移很順利(順利?這個場景似乎是不可能發生的?)。每個人都祝賀她干得非常出色。 5 這次的場景還是轉移到vista中,不過,出了些問題。於是,每個人都在指責Bill Gates……是的,指責對象是比爾,不是她。



Fear of failure I mean. I have the problem that I am trying to move from windows to Linux (Ubuntu), but I am simply too scared to do it. It's always the "what if this goes wrong?". And I guess the same can be used for the IT departments. I can imagine the person in the IT department considering moving 100 people to Linux. The fear of something going terribly wrong is there. And it's probably an unreasonable fear. But let's look at a few scenarios for this imaginary IT professional:

* She moves hundred people to Linux and something (anything) goes wrong: she gets everybody angry at her and she gets fired for not doing her job. * She moves everybody to Linux and everything goes fine, but there is one program that doesn't work as in windows (Open Office for instance): she gets angry faces, people challenging her and asking why the change, etc, etc. * She stays with windows and windows goes wrong (stays wrong, sorry): everybody blames Microsoft, and feels sorry for her. * She moves to windows vista and everything goes smoothly (impossible scenario, I agree): everybody congratulates her for a job well done. * She moves to windows vista and something goes wrong: everybody blames Bill Gates.

You see ? It is in her best interest to stay with windows. But there is a fair chance of change with vista. I for one do not want to change to vista, I'd rather look for alternatives ..... Ubuntu ?

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