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Ubuntu Linux自動發郵件配置及郵件發送腳本

日期:2017/3/1 15:36:30   编辑:關於Linux
Ubuntu Linux自動發郵件配置及郵件發送腳本 測試環境:Ubuntu 11.10 1. 安裝mutt及msmtp軟件 [plain] sudo apt-get install mutt sudo apt-get install msmtp 2. 編輯配置文件vi ~/.muttrc [plain] set sendmail="/usr/bin/msmtp" set use_from=yes set realname="Guobao Jiang" set [email protected] set envelope_from=yes 3.編輯配置文件vi ~/.msmtprc (賬號和密碼相應改動,最好把該文件屬性改為: [plain] chmod 700 ~/.msmtprc 其他人不能修改和查看) [plain] account default host smtp.163.com from [email protected] auth plain user loveaborn password #### logfile ~/.msmtp.log 4.編寫自動發送郵件腳本,如下: [plain] #!/bin/bash ###################################################################################### # this shell script is used to send mail automatically # the root structure is # . # ./autosend.sh -- this shell script # ./attach/ -- this folder stored mail's all attachment. # ./bak/ -- for backup # ./log/ -- send & unsend log files # ./mail/ -- mail text content, default file name './mail/mail.md' # ./readme.md -- readme file (not mandatory) # version: v0.1 @Aug. 4, 2013, by Guobao Jiang ###################################################################################### dateInfo="$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S)" attachName="attach_$dateInfo.tar.gz"; contentFile="./mail/mail.md" toName="[email protected]" ccName="[email protected]" if [ -f ./mail/mail.md ]; then if [ ! -f ./log/send.log ];then touch ./log/send.log fi sendLog="./log/send.log" tar zcvf $attachName ./attach sleep 2 rm -rf ./attach/* mkdir -p "./bak/mail_$dateInfo" cp $attachName "./bak/mail_$dateInfo" cp ./mail/mail.md "./bak/mail_$dateInfo" echo -e " " >>$contentFile echo -e "------------------" >> $contentFile echo -e "Note: This mail is automaticall by my server." >> $contentFile echo -e "BR// Guobao Jiang ([email protected])" >> $contentFile echo -e "DateRecord: $dateInfo" >> $contentFile echo -e " " >>"$sendLog" echo -e "-----------------------------------" >>"$sendLog" echo -e "Sending mail..." >>"$sendLog" mutt -s "Update Experiments Result $dateInfo" -c $ccName $toName \ -a $attachName< "$contentFile" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rm -rf $attachName rm -rf ./mail/mail.md #rm -rf ./attach/* # if success, delete all attachment files. echo -e "mail was sent to $toName and cc to $ccName successully!" >> \ "$sendLog" else rm -rf $attachName rm -rf "./bak/mail_$dateInfo" echo -e "mail sent failed! Please try again!" >>"$sendLog" fi echo -e "RecordTime:$dateInfo" >>"$sendLog" else if [ ! -f ./log/record.log ]; then touch ./log/nosend.log fi echo -e "No mail contents to send! RecordTime: $dateInfo" >>./log/nosend.log fi 注意0: 文件autosend.sh,添加可執行屬性 [plain] chmod u+x autosend.sh 注意1:附近 -a $attachName 放在最後,不然會出現如下錯誤: [html] Can’t stat [email protected]: No such file or directory [email protected]: unable to attach file. 注意2:我的郵件內容是放在./mail/mail.md文件裡的,發送完會備注到./bak下並刪除原來的文件。 目錄結構如下:
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