Linux教程網 >> Linux基礎 >> Linux教程 >> 在Ubuntu下如何創建遠程“.deb”包倉庫


日期:2017/2/28 14:30:06   编辑:Linux教程


Ubuntu下deb包的安裝方法 http://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2014-03/99037.htm

步驟 1: 安裝Reprepro並生成key


  1. $ sudo apt-get install reprepro gnupg

現在你需要使用gnupg生成一個gpg key,這裡使用下面的命令。

  1. $ gpg --gen-key

它會詢問你一些問題,比如你想要哪種key、key的有效期、如果你不知道如何回答,只需點擊回車 來選擇默認選項(建議)


  1. gpg (GnuPG)1.4.14;Copyright(C)2013FreeSoftwareFoundation,Inc.
  2. Thisis free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
  3. Thereis NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
  4. Pleaseselect what kind of key you want:
  5. (1) RSA and RSA (default)
  6. (2) DSA andElgamal
  7. (3) DSA (sign only)
  8. (4) RSA (sign only)
  9. Your selection?
  10. RSA keys may be between 1024and4096 bits long.
  11. What keysize do you want?(2048)
  12. Requested keysize is2048 bits
  13. Please specify how long the key should be valid.
  14. 0= key does not expire
  15. = key expires in n days
  16. w = key expires in n weeks
  17. m = key expires in n months
  18. y = key expires in n years
  19. Keyis valid for?(0)
  20. Key does not expire at all
  21. Isthis correct?(y/N) Y
  22. You need a user ID to identify your key; the software constructs the user ID
  23. from the RealName,CommentandEmailAddressinthis form:
  24. "Heinrich Heine (Der Dichter) <[email protected]>"
  25. Real name: ravisaive
  26. Email address: [email protected]
  27. Comment: tecmint
  28. You selected this USER-ID:
  29. "Ravi Saive (tecmint) <[email protected]>"
  30. Change(N)ame,(C)omment,(E)mail or(O)kay/(Q)uit? O
  31. You need a Passphrase to protect your secret key.
  32. We need to generate a lot of random bytes.Itis a good idea to perform
  33. some other action (type on the keyboard, move the mouse, utilize the
  34. disks) during the prime generation;this gives the random number
  35. generator a better chance to gain enough entropy.
  36. +++++
  37. gpg: key 2EB446DD marked as ultimately trusted
  38. publicand secret key created andsigned.
  39. gpg: checking the trustdb
  40. gpg:3 marginal(s) needed,1 complete(s) needed, PGP trust model
  41. gpg: depth:0 valid:1signed:0 trust:0-,0q,0n,0m,0f,1u
  42. pub 2048R/2EB446DD2014-06-24
  43. Key fingerprint = D222 B1C9 342E591102B191473BD679182EB446DD
  44. uid RaviSaive(tecmint)<[email protected]>
  45. sub2048R/7EF2F7502014-06-24


  1. $ sudo gpg --list-keys


  1. /home/ravisaive/.gnupg/pubring.gpg
  2. ----------------------------------
  3. pub 2048R/2EB446DD2014-06-24
  4. uid ravisaive (tecmint)<[email protected]>
  5. sub2048R/7EF2F7502014-06-24

步驟 2: 創建一個包倉庫並導出key


  1. $ sudo su
  2. # cd /var/www
  3. # mkdir apt
  4. # mkdir -p ./apt/incoming
  5. # mkdir -p ./apt/conf
  6. # mkdir -p ./apt/key


  1. # gpg --armor --export username [email protected] >> /var/www/apt/key/deb.gpg.key

注意:用你之前步驟中輸入的用戶名代替username,用你的email代替上面的[email protected]


  1. # touch /var/www/apt/conf/distributions


  1. Origin:(你的名字)
  2. Label:(庫的名字)
  3. Suite:(stable 或 unstable)
  4. Codename:(發布的代碼名,比如 trusty)
  5. Version:(發布的版本,比如14.04)
  6. Architectures:(軟件包所支持的架構,比如 i386 或 amd64)
  7. Components:(包含的部件,比如 main restricted universe multiverse)
  8. Description:(描述)
  9. SignWith: yes


  1. # reprepro --ask-passphrase -Vb /var/www/apt export


  1. Created directory "/var/www/apt/db"
  2. ExportingTrusty...
  3. Created directory "/var/www/apt/dists"
  4. Created directory "/var/www/apt/dists/Trusty"
  5. Created directory "/var/www/apt/dists/Trusty/universe"
  6. Created directory "/var/www/apt/dists/Trusty/universe/binary-i386"
  7. FF5097B479C8220C ravisaive (tecmint)<[email protected]> needs a passphrase
  8. Please enter passphrase:
  9. Successfully created '/var/www/apt/dists/Trusty/Release.gpg.new'
  10. FF5097B479C8220C ravisaive (tecmint)<[email protected]> needs a passphrase
  11. Please enter passphrase:
  12. Successfully created '/var/www/apt/dists/Trusty/InRelease.new'

步驟 3: 在新創建的倉庫中加入包

現在准備你的.deb包來加入到倉庫中。進入 /var/www/apt目錄,你每次要加包的時候都必須這麼做。

  1. # cd /var/www/apt
  2. # reprepro --ask-passphrase -Vb . includedeb Trusty /home/ravisaive/packages.deb

注意:用你在distributions文件中輸入的倉庫代號來代替trusty ,並且用包的路徑替換/home/username/package.deb,你會被要求輸入密碼。


  1. /home/ravisaive/packages.deb : component guessed as'universe'
  2. Created directory "./pool"
  3. Created directory "./pool/universe"
  4. Created directory "./pool/universe/o"
  5. Created directory "./pool/universe/o/ojuba-personal-lock"
  6. Exporting indices...
  7. FF5097B479C8220C ravisaive (tecmint)<[email protected]> needs a passphrase
  8. Please enter passphrase:
  9. Successfully created './dists/Trusty/Release.gpg.new'
  10. FF5097B479C8220C ravisaive (tecmint)<[email protected]> needs a passphrase
  11. Please enter passphrase:
  12. Successfully created './dists/Trusty/InRelease.new'


  1. # reprepro --ask-passphrase -Vb /var/www/apt remove trusty package.deb


步驟 4: 上傳倉庫到Sourceforge.net

要上傳倉庫到Sourceforge.net,你當然需要一個可用的賬號與一個可用的項目,讓我假設你想要上傳倉庫到http://sourceforge.net/projects/myfoo/testrepository,這裡的myfoo是項目名(UNIX上的名稱,不是URL,不是標題),testrepository是你想要上傳文件到這上面的目錄,這裡我們會使用rsync 命令。(LCTT譯注:當然你也可以上傳到其它的支持Http/Rsync的服務器上,以提供遠程軟件庫的服務。)

  1. # rsync -avP -e ssh /var/www/apt/ [email protected]:/home/frs/project/myfoo/testrepository/




  1. $ sudo su
  2. # wget -O - http://sourceforge.net/projects/myfoo/testrepository/apt/key/deb.gpg.key | apt-key add -


  1. deb http://sourceforge.net/projects/myfoo/testrepository/apt/key/deb.gpg.key trusty main



  1. $ sudo apt-get update

祝賀你! 你的軟件倉庫已經激活了!你現在可以非常簡單地在你需要的時候安裝包了。

via: http://www.tecmint.com/create-deb-pacakge-repository-in-ubuntu/

譯者:geekpi 校對:wxy

本文由 LCTT 原創翻譯,Linux中國 榮譽推出

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