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日期:2017/2/28 16:37:37   编辑:Linux教程



$ mkdir - m777 cvs

$ cd cvs

$ export CVSROOT = : pserver : anoncvs@cvs . handhelds . org : / cvs

$ cvs login

Logging in to : pserver : anoncvs@cvs . handhelds . org : 2401 / cvs

CVS password : anoncvs

cvs login : CVS password file / home / daiq / . cvspass does not exist - creating a new file

$ cvs co apps / tslib

這樣會在你的$PWD/cvs下建立一個 apps文件夾,其中的 tslib就是我們下載下來的源碼.



sudo apt - get install m4 autoconf automake libtool


$ export PATH = $ PATH : / work / cross / toolchain / gcc - 3 . 4 . 5 - glibc - 2 . 3 . 6 / arm - softfloat - linux - gnu / bin

$ export CC = arm - softfloat - linux - gnu - gcc

$ export CXX = arm - softfloat - linux - gnu - g + +

執行 ./autogen.sh

daiq@daiq - desktop : / work / cvs / apps / tslib$ . / autogen . sh

Libtoolize . . . libtoolize : putting auxiliary files in ` . '.

libtoolize: copying file `./ltmain.sh'

libtoolize : You should add the contents of the following files to `aclocal . m4 ':

libtoolize: `/usr/share/aclocal/libtool.m4'

libtoolize : ` / usr / share / aclocal / ltoptions . m4 '

libtoolize: `/usr/share/aclocal/ltversion.m4'

libtoolize : ` / usr / share / aclocal / ltsugar . m4 '

libtoolize: `/usr/share/aclocal/lt~obsolete.m4'

libtoolize : Consider adding `AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR ( [ m4 ] ) ' to configure.ac and

libtoolize: rerunning libtoolize, to keep the correct libtool macros in-tree.

libtoolize: Consider adding `-I m4' to ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS in Makefile . am .

Done .

Aclocal . . . Done .

Autoheader . . . Done .

Automake . . . configure . ac : 21 : installing ` . / config . guess '

configure.ac:21: installing `./config.sub'

configure . ac : 7 : installing ` . / install - sh '

configure.ac:7: installing `./missing'

plugins / Makefile . am : installing ` . / depcomp



Now you can do ./configure, make, make install.

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