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OpenBSD的Theo de Raadt對協議事件的回應

日期:2017/2/28 11:16:07   编辑:關於Unix

  OpenBSD 的 Theo de Raadt 對最近 Linux 社區從一個有 BSD 協議授權的硬件驅動代碼中刪除了 BSD 協議一事作了回應,其中有一段話如下:
  "GPL fans said the great problem we would face is that companies would take our BSD code, modify it, and not give back. Nope -- the great problem we face is that people would wrap the GPL around our code, and lock us out in the same way that these supposed companies would lock us out. Just like the Linux community, we have many companies giving us code back, all the time. But once the code is GPL'd, we cannot get it back."
  ”GPL 的粉絲說我們最大的問題是商業公司會拿走我們的 BSD 代碼,修改,然後就不拿回來了。否,我們最大的問題是有人會把我們的代碼用 GPL 協議給重新打包,像那些商業公司一樣把我們的代碼給禁锢起來。和 Linux 社區一樣,很多公司拿了我們的代碼,都把代碼回饋給了我們。而一旦我們的代碼給 GPL 了,我們就拿不會來了。”
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