Linux教程網 >> Unix知識 >> 關於Unix >> LinuxX-Window配置指南


日期:2017/3/6 15:40:42   编辑:關於Unix
X-Window是一種風行於 UNIX 的圖形界面,現在它已經成功地移植到了 Linux 平台上,裝上X-Window這一漂亮的門面,一定能讓Linux蓬荜生輝。它的最大特點是設備無關性,安裝完Linux後只要用xf86config配置一下就可以立馬上班了。 首先當然得准備好資料,我將顯 X-Window是一種風行於UNIX的圖形界面,現在它已經成功地移植到了Linux平台上,裝上X-Window這一漂亮的門面,一定能讓Linux蓬荜生輝。它的最大特點是設備無關性,安裝完Linux後只要用xf86config配置一下就可以立馬上班了。
  運行xf86cofnig後,前面幾個畫面沒什麼重要的, 一直按Enter直到設定鼠標的地方!屏幕上出現:
First specify a mouse protocol type. Choose one from the following list:
1. Microsoft compatible (2-button protocol)
2. Mouse Systems (3-button protocol)
3. Bus Mouse
4. PS/2 Mouse
5. Logitech Mouse (serial, old type, Logitech protocol)
6. Logitech MouseMan (Microsoft compatible)
7. MM Series
8. MM HitTablet
Please answer the following question with either 'y' or 'n'.
Do you want to enable these bindings for the Alt keys?
It is VERY IMPORTANT that you do not specify a monitor type with a horizontal sync range that is beyond the capabilities of your monitor.
If in doubt,choose a conservative setting.
hsync in kHz; monitor type with characteristic modes
1 31.5; Standard VGA, 640x480 @ 60 Hz
2 31.5 - 35.1; Super VGA, 800x600 @ 56 Hz
3 31.5, 35.5; 8514 Compatible, 1024x768 @ 87 Hz interlaced (no 800x600)
4 31.5, 35.15, 35.5; Super VGA, 1024x768 @ 87 Hz interlaced, 800x600 @ 56 Hz
5 31.5 - 37.9; Extended Super VGA, 800x600 @ 60 Hz, 640x480 @ 72 Hz
6 31.5 - 48.5; Non-Interlaced SVGA, 1024x768 @ 60 Hz, 800x600 @ 72 Hz
7 31.5 - 57.0; High Frequency SVGA, 1024x768 @ 70 Hz
8 31.5 - 64.3; Monitor that can do 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz
9 31.5 - 79.0; Monitor that can do 1280x1024 @ 74 Hz
10 Enter your own horizontal sync range

Enter your choice (1-10):
You must indicate the vertical sync range of your monitor. You can either select one of the predefined ranges below that correspond to industry-standard monitor types, or give a specific range. For interlaced modes,the number that counts is the high one (e.g. 87 Hz rather than 43 Hz).
1 50-70
2 50-90
3 50-100
4 40-150
5 Enter your own vertical sync range
  接著,它會問你顯示器的生產廠家和型號, 隨便輸入就可以了。干脆,一路回車,搞定。屏幕上出現了選擇顯卡類型的提示:
Do you want to look at the card database? (按Y,列出顯卡數據庫
0 S3 Trio64V+
1 ......
VGA16 適用於大部分的顯示卡,只有16色;
8900&9400,Cirrus Logic, C&T, ET4000等等,有不同的顯示卡可以先用這個;
Mach8適用ATI 使用Mach8的芯片;
Mach32適用ATI 使用Mach32的芯片;
Mach64適用ATI 使用Mach64的芯片;
8514適用IBM8514/A 和trueclones;
實在找不到匹配的類型時,可以選Generic VGA兼容卡。

1 The XF86_Mono server. This is a monochrome server that should work on any VGA-compatible card, in 640x480 (more on some SVGA chipsets).
2 The XF86_VGA16 server. This is a 16-color VGA server that should work on any VGA-compatible card.
3 The XF862_SVGA server. This is a 256 color SVGA server that supports a a number of SVGA chipsets. It is aclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccelerated on some Cirrus and WD chipsets; it supports 16/32-bit color on certain Cirrus configurations.
4 The accelerated servers. These include XF86_S3, XF86_Mach32, XF86_Mach8,XF86_8514, XF86_P9000, XF86_AGX, XF86_W32 and XF86_Mach64.
These four server types correspond to the four different "Screen" sections in XF86Config (vga2, vga16, svga, accel).
Which one of these screen types do you intend to run by default (1-4)?
如果用戶的顯示卡是S3/Mach32/Mach8/8514/P9000/AGX/W32/S3 Virge系列,就可以在第四個選項中挑選自己的服務器,否則只能選擇3,使用256色了。如果連選3都無法正常啟動X-Window,那你只有選2,享用那丑陋的16色,要麼就只能換塊顯卡。
Please answer the following question with either 'y' or 'n'.
Do you want me to set the symbolic link?
然後它問你:Do you want to set it in /var/X11R6/bin?是否存盤?當然回答Y了。
How much video memory do you have on your video card:
1 256K
2 512K
3 1024K
4 2048K
5 4096K
6 Other
Enter your choice:
我的顯卡有2MB的顯存,所以選4 。
接著是顯卡的生產廠家和型號, 隨便給它幾個英文字就可以了。
接下來是RAMDAC chip的設定...
The RAMDAC setting only applies to the S3 and AGX servers. Some RAMDAC's are auto-detected by the server. The detection of a RAMDAC is forced by using a Ramdac "identifier" line in the Device section. The identifiers are shown at the right of the following table of RAMDAC types:

1 AT&T 20C490 (S3 server) att20c490
2 AT&T 20C498/21C498/22C498 (S3) att20c498
3 AT&T 20C505 (S3)att20c505
4 BrookTree BT481 (AGX) bt481
5 BrookTree BT482 (AGX) bt482
6 BrookTree BT485/9485 (S3) bt485
7 Sierra SC15025 (S3, AGX)sc15025
8 S3 GenDAC (86C708) (autodetected) s3gendac
9 S3 SDAC (86C716) (autodetected) s3_sdac
10 STG-1700 (S3) stg1700
11 TI 3020 (S3)ti3020
12 TI 3025 (S3)ti3025
13 Normal DAC normal

Just press enter if you don't want a Ramdac setting.
What Ramdac setting do you want (1-13)?
再下來就是最討厭的Clock chip的設定了:
A Clockchip line in the Device section forces the detection of a programmable clock device. With a clockchip enabled, any required clock can be programmed without requiring probing of clocks or a Clocks line. Most cards don't have a programmable clock chip.
Choose from the following list:
1 Chrontel 8391 (uncertain at the time of writing)ch8391
2 ICD2061A and compatibles (ICS9161A, DCS2824)icd2061a
3 ICS2595 ics2595
4 ICS5342 (similar to SDAC, but not completely compatible)ics5342
5 S3 GenDAC (86C708) and ICS5300 (autodetected) s3gendac
6 S3 SDAC (86C716)s3_sdac
7 Sierra SC11412 sc11412
8 TI 3025 ti3025
Just press enter if you don't want a Clockchip setting.
What Clockchip setting do you want (1-8)?
注意盯著屏幕,當屏幕上出現:Do you want me to run 'X-probeonly' now?一定要按Y,否則,它就不會自動檢測顯卡的時鐘頻率了。
For each depth, a list of modes (resolutions) is defined. The default resolution that the server will start-up with will be the first listed mode that can be supported by the monitor and card.
Currently it is set to:

"640×480" "800×600" "1024×768" "1280×1024" for 8bpp
"640×480" "800×600" "1024×768" for 16bpp
"640×480" "800×600" for 32bpp

Note that 16bpp and 32bpp are only supported on a few configurations.
Modes that cannot be supported due to monitor or clock constraints will be automatically skipped by the server.

1 Change the modes for 8pp (256 colors)
2 Change the modes for 16bpp (32K/64K colors)
3 Change the modes for 32bpp (24-bit color)
4 The modes are OK, continue.

Enter your choice:
當再次出現以上文字時,選4或直接回車,然後屏幕提示:Shall I write it to /etc/XF86Config?輸入Y,將設定結果存盤。
另外,Red Hat 5.1版的Linux提供了一個圖形界面的X-Server配置程序,只要輸入Xconfigurator就可以調用,不過請注意大小寫,錯了可不行!而在Slackware 3.5版的Linux中,相應的程序名是XF86Setup。
現在流行的窗口管理器有:fvwm、fvwm95、AfterStep、Enlightenment、KDE。我用的RED HAT Linux 5.1安裝版,選用fvwm作為X-Window的窗口管理器。
如果你想讓Linux啟動後立即進入窗口界面,可以使用前面文章介紹過的mc編輯器打開/etc/inittab文件,將其中的id:3:initdefault改為id:5:initdefault ,保存修改後退出。這樣當你下一次啟動Linux時就能直接看到窗口管理器了。如果你想從窗口中直接退出去,可以按Ctrl+Alt+Backspace(就是回車鍵上面的“←”)。

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