Linux教程網 >> Unix知識 >> Unix教程 >> 新手必讀(solaris基礎和常用知識三)


日期:2017/2/27 17:43:57   编辑:Unix教程

                   作者:boycw 轉載時間:2002-12-25
  101 Q: 我們有一個產品在移植到SOLARIS的過程中出現了大量難以理解的問題,請給
  我們現場支援一下,非常感謝!使用Forte Develop6編譯C++程序的時候出現
  "mit/../teglobal.h", line 39: Warning (Anachronism): Attempt to redefine TRUE without using #undef.
  "mit/../teglobal.h", line 40: Warning (Anachronism): Attempt to redefine FALSE without using #undef.
  >> Assertion: (../links/prepexpression.cc, line 65)
  while processing mit/multilock.cpp at line 0.
  A: CC 編譯器要求被編譯的文件以兩個新行結束,請在相關頭文件末尾加上新行。
  102 Q: solaris的問題:激活小鍵盤上的Numlock,激活中文輸入法,按小鍵盤上的0
  A: You can solve the problem you metioned by trying the following three
  1. Make sure using GB locale, instead of GBK.
  2. Visit http://sunsolve.sun.com to get the "recommended patches"
  package for the your solaris platform, and add it.
  3. If possible, you can change the solaris platform from solaris 2.7
  to solaris 2.8
  103 Q: 有關在SOLARIS上使用NETSCAPE問題
  xlib:connection to "0.0" refused by server
  xlib:client is not authorized to server
  can't open display : :0.0
  每次要先啟動Acroread,然後再打開? 請問上述問題如何解決?
  A: 1. You run the command:
  #xhost :0.0
  and then, you can use NETSCAPE In the terminal, in which the
  netscape is launched, please set the envrionment DISPLAY as :0.0
  2. Actually, I don't know how to configure it. If you are interested
  in it. You can read some topics in AnswerBook2 User Collection.
  104 Q: syslogd 如何支持漢字? syslogd 好像會把漢字拆分成兩個字節,並去掉高位
  A: How the background service provider syslogd supports character set
  depends on the locale environment it starts. So, if you want Chinese
  characters transferring by syslog. You can restart syslogd in
  Chinese environment by issuing the following commands:
  # LANG=zh; export LANG # set the locale environment in Chinese.
  # kill -9 `cat /etc/syslog.pid` # to kill the former syslogd
  # /usr/sbin/syslogd
  If you want syslogd to support Chinese characters whenever the
  machine boot. Put the attacted file in the /etc/rc3.d directory.Make
  sure this file's mode is "rwxr-xr-x" and the owner is root.
  105 Q: 我的工作站的交換分區分的太小了,除重裝系統外,是否有其它辦法將空間調
  A: You can extend your swap region by issueing the following command:
  #mkfile -m
  #swap -a
  Note: the should be the full path name.
  106 Q: 用vi打開一個script文件,發現裡面有非法字符^M,在vi命令行如何全程替代
  A: 1,$s/^M//g ,其中,^M是 ctrl+V ,ctrl+M,或者,用下面這個命令。
  %unix2dos $filename > $newfilename
  107 Q: How to add space to a filesystem in solaris2.5.7 ? When I patchadd a
  patch,It tell me that there is no sufficient filesystem capacity.
  A: It seems like your root partition too small. Please check it
  availiable size. If it is small, I think you would better to
  reinstall the system. Please store all the data in the disk.
  In the new installation, you need really to partitions, one is for
  swap, and another is for /. The swap partition /tmp needs about 200M
  to 500M. Then all the left should be given to /.
  108 Q: 請教關於Solaris Patch的問題。我們在安裝一些軟件時,經常需要先安裝一
  些Patch,有一事不明,向您請教一下,比如某個軟件需要Patch : 107546-02,
  後面的那部分是什麼意思?是不是大的數字可以包含小的數字的功能了? 同一
  A: You are right. If you have installed a bigger version of the same
  patch, it not necessary for you to install the smaller one. The
  bigger version will override the earlier one if it installed before.
  You need not worry about any collision.
  109 Q: 關於sun的SunNet 我目前想了解關於sun的SunNet。我從sun的網站上了解到
  SunNet或Solstice裡,我看了Slostice得White Paper,但裡邊只提到了一點點
  A: To my knowledge, you can go to the following for a detailed info:
  110 Q: 關於SUN機器root口令丟失問題,如何解決?
  A: 辦法如下:
  3.當出現'ok'字樣時,鍵入boot cdrom -s
  4.cd /tmp/root
  5.mkdir /tmp/root/xxx (xxx是什麼鬼東西就無關緊要了)
  6.mount /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 /tmp/root/xxx (在這裡c0t0d0s0是你的root盤)
  8.setenv TERM vt220
  9.cp /tmp/root/xxx/etc/shadow /tmp/root/xxx/shadow/shadow.bak
  10.vi /tmp/root/xxx/shadow,並且將root項裡的password域刪除即可。
  111 Q: In solaris 2.6. when i use command "killall" ,all process started in
  CDE will be killed and the eviroment will change to CDE login. I
  looked up the man manual about "killall" ,it told me that "only root
  can use the command".But I really use it with common id.In
  solaris7 and solairs 8, with common id,i can't use the common.can
  you tell me why i can execute "killall" successfully in solaris 2.6?
  A: Just see the access mode of /usr/sbin/killall. If you can use it
  with a common account identity, the access mode should be x-rsx-rx-r.
  If you can not use it in a common account identity, the mode should
  be x-r--r--r. You can change the mode as you like, whenever in 2.6,
  or 2.7 or 2.8.
  112 Q: I downloaded the SDM2.3 from the Download Center of "www.sun.com"
  ,read the White Paper and web detailed describing.But it is only the
  outlook of the software. I need the detailed document about how to
  integrated my own network management application to Solstice.
  A: I transfer this messag to Sun Service in Guangdong.
  113 Q: 請問有沒有磁盤管理工具。我們有一台E450,有5塊硬盤,想做RAID,但是沒有工
  A: If the machine's OS is solaris 2.8, the storage management software
  is also installed in you machine. You can make the RAID by issuing
  the command family: /usr/sbin/meta*; If you are not so familiar with
  these commands. I can do it for you. or you can use solstice
  disksuite, it is a GUI tool.
  114 Q: 怎樣強制更改NIS客戶端的本地NIS數據表?有時候NIS客戶端和NIS服務器端有
  時會出現不一致的情況.NIS服務器和NIS slave 服務器也會出現這種情況。
  A: 你可以用yppush和 ypxfr 來做這種工作,更常見的方法是把它們寫進cron,定
  115 Q: 為了將工作站設為從DHCP動態分配IP,並且將主機名由"unknown"改為原名
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