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Java 獲取可用 UDP 端口號的方法

日期:2017/3/1 9:59:13   编辑:Linux編程

Java 獲取可用 UDP 端口號的方法。TCP 獲取的辦法類似於這個。

方法一:如果你不介意獲取的端口號范圍,可以使用 DatagramSocket 的構造方法定義 0 為其端口號,系統將為其分配一個閒置的端口號:

public static DatagramSocket getRandomPort() throws SocketException {
DatagramSocket s = new DatagramSocket(0);
return s;


public static DatagramSocket getRangePort(int[] ports) throws IOException {
for (int port : ports) {
try {
return new DatagramSocket(port);
} catch (IOException ex) {
continue; // try next port

// if the program gets here, no port in the range was found
throw new IOException("no free port found");


import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.DatagramSocket;
import java.net.SocketException;

public class UdpPortTest {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
DatagramSocket socket = getRandomPort();
System.out.println("__________socket.getLocalPort():" + socket.getLocalPort());

DatagramSocket socket2 = getRangePort(new int[] { 3843, 4584, 4843 });
System.out.println("__________socket2.getLocalPort():" + socket2.getLocalPort());

public static DatagramSocket getRandomPort() throws SocketException {
DatagramSocket s = new DatagramSocket(0);
return s;

public static DatagramSocket getRangePort(int[] ports) throws IOException {
for (int port : ports) {
try {
return new DatagramSocket(port);
} catch (IOException ex) {
continue; // try next port

// if the program gets here, no port in the range was found
throw new IOException("no free port found");



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