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Emacs在RHEL 5上的安裝和使用

日期:2017/3/1 15:28:32   编辑:關於Linux

1. install latest emacs
xz -d emacs-24.3.tar.xz
tar xvf emacs-24.3.tar
make install #need root
2. install Steve Purcell's emacs config
git clone https://github.com/purcell/emacs.d.git
rm -rf .emacs.d/ emacs
mv emacs.d/ .emacs.d/
emacs # first time will download related module
3. increase/decrease font size
C-x C--
C-x C-+

4. hotkey

C-v Move forward one screenful
M-v Move backward one screenful
C-l Clear screen and redisplay all the text,
moving the text around the cursor
to the center of the screen.
C-f Move forward a character
C-b Move backward a character

M-f Move forward a word
M-b Move backward a word

C-n Move to next line
C-p Move to previous line

C-a Move to beginning of line
C-e Move to end of line

M-a Move back to beginning of sentence
M-e Move forward to end of sentence

C-x C-b List buffers
C-x b TUTORIAL <Return> Swith buffer
M-x kill-some-buffers
C-x Character eXtend. Followed by one character.
M-x Named command eXtend. Followed by a long name.

C-x C-f Find file
C-x C-s Save file
C-x s Save some buffers
C-x C-b List buffers
C-x b Switch buffer
C-x C-c Quit Emacs
C-x 1 Delete all but one window
C-x u Undo

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