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日期:2017/3/2 16:41:40   编辑:Linux服務器

Beagle 是一個強大的桌面搜索工具,您可以用 Beagle 來搜索您的文檔、電子郵件、相片等各種文件。它比 Ubuntu 缺省的搜索工具(位置 -> 搜索)(Places -> Search for files...) 更快,可以搜索更多的文件類型和信息(比如,您的日程表)。

See the Beagle project website for more information.

得到更多關於 Beagle 的信息請參考 Beagle 項目主頁。

Installing Beagle(安裝 Beagle)

Beagle is not included by default in Ubuntu, so you must install it manually.

Ubuntu 系統缺省並不安裝 Beagle,所以您需要進行手動安裝。

    • Ubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake)
    • Click Applications -> Add/Remove... to start the Add/Remove Applications tool.
    • Tick the Show unsupported applications checkbox.
    • Search for 'beagle'. In the list of results which is displayed, an item called 'Search' should be displayed.
    • Tick the item called 'Search' and press the Apply button to install Beagle.
    • Once the installation process has completed, you can start the Search tool by clicking Applications -> Accessories -> Search.
  • 點擊應用程序 -> 添加/刪除... (Applications -> Add/Remove...)啟動添加/刪除程序。
  • 選中顯示不支持的軟件(Show unsupported applications)選項。
  • 搜索beagle。在搜索結果中,您可以看到搜索(Search)項。
  • 選中搜索(Search)項, 點擊"應用"(Apply)按鈕開始安裝 Beagle。
  • 安裝結束後您可以從選取菜單應用程序 -> 附件 ->搜索(Applications -> Accessories -> Search)來運行 Beagle 搜索程序。

Ubuntu 5.10 (Breezy Badger)

Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog)

Warning - these instructions have not been tested and may be incorrect.

警告 - 以下安裝方式未經測試並可能存在錯誤

  1. Enable the universe package repository. See the Repositories page for instructions.

  2. Open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install beagle to install the beagle package and dependancies.

  3. Alternatively, you can use the Synaptic Package Manager to select and install the beagle package.

  1. 開啟universe軟件倉庫,請參考軟件倉庫得到更多指南。

  2. 開啟終端,輸入 sudo apt-get install beagle 來安裝 Beagle 及其依賴的 deb 包。

  3. 另外您可以用新立得包管理工具(Synaptic Package Manager)來安裝Beagle。

The HoaryBeagleInstallHowto has additional information on installing Beagle under Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog).

如果您需要在 Ubuntu 5.04 (Hoary Hedgehog) 上安裝 Beagle,請參考 HoaryBeagleInstallHowto 。

Using Beagle(使用 Beagle)

There are several ways of performing a Beagle search.

您可以有多種方式來使用 Beagle 搜索。

Search Tool(搜索工具)


缺省搜索工具 (應用程序 -> 附件 ->搜索)

When you install Beagle, the Search tool is installed automatically. You can start the Search tool by clicking Applications -> Accessories -> Search. Simply type your search into the box provided and press the Find Now button. You can limit your search to a specific type of document by selecting the desired type from the Search menu of the Search tool.

您安裝完 Beagle 後搜索工具即已安裝。您可以在菜單選取應用程序 -> 附件 ->搜索 來啟動搜索程序,並在輸入框中輸入您要搜索的內容後點擊立即查找(Find Now)按鈕進行搜索。您可以使用搜索工具的搜索(Search)菜單來定制搜索的文件類型。

Kerry Search Tool Kerry(搜索工具)

Kerry is a Beagle search tool designed specifically for KDE, and so is recommended for use by Kubuntu users instead of Beagle's default tool. However, Ubuntu, Edubuntu and Xubuntu users can still install and use Kerry.

Kerry 是為 KDE 定制的 Beagle 搜索工具,如果您使用 Kubuntu 推薦您安裝 Kerry 搜索工具取代 Beagle 缺省搜索工具。當然,無論是 Ubuntu 還是 Edubuntu 和 Xubuntu 用戶都可以安裝使用 Kerry 。

To start using Kerry, install the kerry package. See InstallingSoftware for instructions on how to install packages.

要使用 Kerry 請安裝 kerry 軟件包。 如何安裝軟件包請參考 InstallingSoftware 得到更多幫助。

DeskBar Applet(桌面欄)
Deskbar is a search box which is always available on one of your desktop panels. Deskbar can perform many different search types, including Beagle searches.

桌面欄是位於您的某個桌面面板上的工具欄。 桌面欄能進行各種類型的搜索,包括 Beagle 搜索。

To start using Deskbar, install the deskbar-applet package. Once installed, right-click the top or bottom panel and select Add to Panel... from the menu which appears. Then, simply drag the Deskbar item to a place on one of the panels.

要使用桌面欄請安裝 deskbar-applet 軟件包。安裝完畢後請在您的某個桌面面板上右鍵點擊鼠標,在彈出的菜單中選取添加到面板(Add to Panel...),在對話框中把 桌面欄 拖拽到您想放置的面板上即可。

Deskbar allows you to have a Beagle search as well as a Beagle Live search. The difference between the two options is that Beagle Live will use Beagle to search as you type. On the other hand, the Beagle search will simply display the option to launch the Beagle Search program for the text you entered into Deskbar. To use Beagle Live with Deskbar you must install the python-beagle package.

您可以用桌面欄進行 Beagle 搜索或者 Beagle Live 搜索。兩者的區別是 Beagle Live會直接使用Beagle來搜索您的輸入。而Beagle搜索只是顯示一個選項來允許您啟動Beagle搜索您在桌面欄中的輸入。如果要在桌面欄中使用Beagle Live,您必須安裝python-beagle包。

See InstallingSoftware for instructions on how to install packages.


Command-line tools(命令行工具)
Beagle can also be used from the command line. Click Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal to open a terminal. Type 'beagle' and then pres

s the Tab key on the keyboard twice in rapid succession. This will display a list of Beagle command-line tools which you can use. For example, you can type beagle-query <SEARCH&NBSP;TERMS> (replace with your own search terms) to perform searches from the command-line.

在命令行也能使用Beagle。點擊應用程序 -> 附件 -> 終端(Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal)來打開一個終端。輸入beagle然後連續快速按兩下Tab鍵。這時,您可以看到Beagle命令行工具的列表。例如,您可以輸入beagle-query <搜索項>(將<搜索項>替換為您要搜索的內容)來己進行命令行搜索。

Web-Frontend Peagle(Web前端Peagle)
A web-based interface to Beagle is available. Called 'Peagle', it requires PHP and a web-server to be installed. Peagle is not currently available in any official Ubuntu software channel. For more information, see the Peagle project page.

還有一個基於web的Beagle界面。它的名字叫做Peagle,安裝它需要先安裝PHP和web服務器。Peagle現在沒有包含在任何Ubuntu官方軟件倉庫裡。得到更多關於Peagle的信息請參考Peagle project page。

Applications which use Beagle(使用Beagle的應用軟件)
Some applications are able to use Beagle to perform searches on certain types of file or information. Using Beagle instead of the application's own search function often has the advantage of returning results faster. Applications which can use Beagle searches often do so automatically (without your intervention) if the beagle package is installed.


Below is a short list of applications which can use Beagle searches:


System Documentation (yelp) - found in System -> Help -> System Documentation.

File Browser (nautilus) - open a directory (e.g. from the Places menu) and click the Search button.

系統文檔(yelp)-可以通過系統 -> 幫助 -> 系統文檔(System -> Help -> System Documentation)找到。


Configuring Beagle(配置Beagle)
You can change various settings for Beagle using the Search & Indexing preferences tool. To start the tool, click System -> Preferences -> Search & Indexing.

您可以通過搜索和索引首選項工具來改變Beagle的設置。點擊系統 -> 首選項 -> 搜索和索引(System -> Preferences -> Search & Indexing)來啟動這個工具。

Alternatives to Beagle(Beagle的替代品)
Beagle is just one of many desktop search applications compatible with Ubuntu. Below is a short list of other search applications you may like to try:


Tracker - A lighter, faster desktop indexing system written in C.

Kat - http://kat.mandriva.com/

Tracker - 一個用C寫的,輕便快速的桌面索引系統。

Kat - http://kat.mandriva.com/

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