Linux教程網 >> Unix知識 >> 關於Unix >> hp-ux從Cisco交換機收集數據錯誤處理舉例


日期:2017/3/6 15:45:38   编辑:關於Unix
OV NETMETRIX: 錯誤 - LanProbe is not a supported Probe;Cisco交換機 問題描述 我的問題是沒有從Cisco交換機上收集數據,我收到下面的錯誤信息: LanProbe is not a supported Probe. 文檔“已知問題與規避方法5.02版”介紹了這個問題,並建議刪除文件/us
  OV NETMETRIX: 錯誤 - LanProbe is not a supported Probe;Cisco交換機
  LanProbe is not a supported Probe.
  操作系統 - HPUX
  版本 - 10.20
  硬件系統 - HP 9000
  系列 - 700
  1. 檢查NMX工具箱中定義的RMON代理的代理定義。接口是否正確地配置,指向Cisco交換機的RMON端口?嘗試在Cisco代理上使用RMON工具。
  2. 檢查數據收集。ovpmhd.conf文件中的Cisco代理條目是什麼?是否在代理的/usr/netm/data/archives/rmon下創建RMO數據的數據文件?
  另外可參閱14頁的助教。在代理工具箱中使用的ifIndex號是相應的MIB-II對象 iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt. mib-2.interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.
  在這個例子中,這些步驟可以成功地收集Cisco 5500的數據:
  1. 在inetmon.config中創建ifIndex-1端口cat5k的一個條目: ( agent
   :name cat5k
   :interface ifIndex-1
   :host-address XX.XX.XX.XX
  2. agent.db:
   ( agent
   :host-address XX.XX.XX.XX # cat5k
   :type rmon
   :port 161
   :community public
  3. 在ovpmhd.conf中加入下面的條目:
   # Cisco WS-C5500
   C 1800 30 cat5k:34
  4. 檢查下面的snmp_walk命令的輸出,確保在cat5k上對RMON表進行初始化:
  snmp_walk -agent X.X.X.X -root historyControlTable | more
  5. 使用端口34只是作為一個示例,你應當使用接口表MIB確定交換機上的可用端口。
  6. 在ovpmhd.conf中使用“name:num”語法,這意味著代理名稱將從inetmon.config中解析。在冒號後面顯示的數字指設備的端口34(ifIndex-34),而不管在inetmon.confi中為有名稱的代理定義的接口是什麼。
   注: NMX 5.0 Cisco互操作性文檔建議在Cisco交換機上用下面的命令
  /usr/netm/[arch]/initAgent.sh -agent x.x.x.x -community
   hp_admin \ -port 161 full -verbose &
  Tools->Admin Agent->Initialize RMON Tables
  7. 第1組以太網統計信息,2組歷史記錄,3組警報,9組事件將由上述
  8. 預計此腳本不會初始化Hosts和Hosts表,Cisco的嵌入RMON MIB不支持Matrix或Hosts組。
  9. initAgent.sh可能需要15分鐘多幾個小時的時間完成。initAgent.sh
  完成之後,使用NMX RMON Status工具驗證RMON MIB是否已成功初始化。
  10. 用initAgent.sh初始化RMON表之後,嘗試運行下面的snmp_walk命令:
  snmp_walk -agent X.X.X.X -community "community" -root etherStatsTable
  snmp_walk -agent X.X.X.X -community "community" root historyControlTable
   snmp_walk -agent X.X.X.X -community "community" root interfaces
  11. 檢查你在ovpmhd.conf中配置的數據收集記錄間隔尺寸是否適當,也
  就是說C 1800記錄必須有一個為你在omvphd.conf中配置的交換機接口
  定義的1800 historyControlInterval。
  12. 檢查initAgent.sh: read-write-all reqd使用的團體字符串。
  13. 檢查netm_log文件中是否有ovpmhd和pmehcollect錯誤信息。
  14. 檢查/usr/OV/ProbeMgr/lib/probetypes/probe_caps中是否有一個
  15. 使用xnmbrowser浏覽設備的ifTable:
  例如: iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.interfaces.
   ifEntry.ifIndex.3:3 ifEntry.ifDescr.1 : "Device description"
  .........following with all English text ....
  A5217017 [A5217017/TRAK/English]
  OV NETMETRIX: Error - LanProbe is not a supported Probe; Cisco switch
  Problem Description
  My problem is that data is not being collected from a Cisco switch.
  I am getting the error message:
  LanProbe is not a supported Probe.
  The document "Known Problems and Work-Arounds, version 5.02"
  describes this problem and recommends removing the file
  /usr/OV/ProbeMgr/lib/probetype/probecaps_db to correct the
  problem, but this doesn't seem to help.
  How do I troubleshoot this problem?
  Configuration Info
  Operating System - HPUX
  Version - 10.20
  Hardware System - HP 9000
  Series - 700
  Use these steps to troubleshoot the problem:
  1. Check the agent definition for the RMON agent defined
   in the NMX Toolbox. Is the interface correctly configured
   to refer to an RMON port of the Cisco switch? Try using
   the RMON utilities with the Cisco agent.
  2. Check data collection. What are the entries for the Cisco
   agents in the ovpmhd.conf file? Are data files being created
   for RMON data under /usr/netm/data/archives/rmon for the agent?
   Note: For more information, see p. 16 of Data Collection Reference,
  "Configuring Multi-Interface" agents. Also, see the footnote on p. 14: The ifIndex number to use in Agent Toolbox is the value of the corresponding MIB-II object iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt. mib-2.interfaces.ifTable.ifEntry.
  In this case, these steps enabled suclearcase/" target="_blank" >ccessful collection of data from a
  Cisco 5500:
  1. Create an entry in inetmon.config for ifIndex-1 port of cat5k:
   ( agent
   :name cat5k
   :interface ifIndex-1
   :host-address XX.XX.XX.XX
  2. agent.db:
   ( agent
   :host-address XX.XX.XX.XX # cat5k
   :type rmon
   :port 161
   :community public
  3. Add the following entry in ovpmhd.conf:
   # Cisco WS-C5500
   C 1800 30 cat5k:34
  4. Make sure that RMON tables were initialized on cat5k by checking
   the output of the following snmp_walk command:
  snmp_walk -agent X.X.X.X -root historyControlTable | more
  5. Use port 34 as an example only. You should use the interface table MIB to determine available ports on his switch
  6. Use the "name:num" syntax in ovpmhd.conf, which means that the agent name will be resolved from inetmon.config. Number appearing after the colon refers to port 34 (ifIndex-34) of the device
  regardless of the interface defined for the named agent in
  Note: The NMX 5.0 Cisco Interoperability Document recommends that the RMON table be initialized on the Cisco switch with the
  /usr/netm/[arch]/initAgent.sh -agent x.x.x.x -community
   hp_admin \ -port 161 full -verbose &
  This script can also be launched from the agent tool box:
  Tools->Admin Agent->Initialize RMON Tables
  7. Groups 1 ethernet statistics, 2 history, 3 alarms, and 9 events will be initialized by the above script.
  8. It is expected that the Matrix and Hosts tables will not be initialized by this script. The Cisco embedded RMON MIB does not support Matrix or Hosts groups.
  9. initAgent.sh may take between 15 minutes and several hours to complete After initAgent.sh has completed, verify the RMON MIB
  has been successfully initialized by using the NMX RMON Status utilities.
  10. After the RMON tables have been initialized with initAgent.sh,try running these snmp_walk commands:
  snmp_walk -agent X.X.X.X -community "community" -root etherStatsTable snmp_walk -agent X.X.X.X -community "community"
   root historyControlTable
   snmp_walk -agent X.X.X.X -community "community" root interfaces
  11. Check for the appropriate granularity of the data collection
   record you have configured in ovpmhd.conf, that is, C 1800 records
   must have an 1800 historyControlInterval defined for the interface
   of the switch you have configured in omvphd.conf.
  12. Check the community string used with initAgent.sh: read-write-all
  13. Check the netm_log file for ovpmhd and pmehcollect error messages.
  14. check /usr/OV/ProbeMgr/lib/probetypes/probe_caps for an entry matching the sysobjectID of the device.
  15. Use xnmbrowser to drill down on the ifTable of the device:
   to obtain the sysobjectID.
   For example: iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.interfaces.
   ifEntry.ifDescr.1 : "Device description"
  This table shows the mapping of ifIndex-n numbers used in the Agent Toolbox to the ports of the device.

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