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UNIX Shell控制結構—IF

日期:2017/3/1 17:01:44   编辑:SHELL編程
UNIX Shell控制結構—IF 流控制(Decision Making) IF語句有三種格式: 第一種:if ... fi statement www.2cto.com 下面是一個實例: [plain] cat if1.sh #!/bin/sh a=10 b=20 #① if [ $a -eq $b ]; then echo "a is equal to b"; fi if [ $a -gt $b ]; then echo "a is great than b"; fi #② if [ $a -lt $b ] then echo "a is less than b"; fi # the EOF 注意: www.2cto.com ①條件和處理命令分開的一種寫法: if 條件; then 處理命令 fi ②條件和處理命令分開的另一種寫法: if 條件 then 處理命令 fi 這裡需要根據個人習慣去選擇。 上面的例子中,變量的值是賦死了的,若要給此腳本傳遞兩個參數,可做如下修改: [plain] cat if1.sh #!/bin/sh # a=10 # b=20 if [ $1 -eq $2 ]; then echo "the first number is equal to the second"; fi if [ $1 -gt $2 ]; then echo "the first number is great than the second"; fi if [ $1 -lt $2 ] then echo "the first number is less than the second"; fi # the EOF 給腳本傳遞參數,只需要在sh命令後面添加即可,使用空格隔開: [plain] sh if1.sh 1 2 the first number is less than the second sh if1.sh 12 1 the first number is great than the second sh if1.sh 1 1 the first number is equal to the second 第二種:if ... else ... fi,具體如下: if [ expression ] then statement(s) to be sxecuted if expression is true else statement(s) to be sxecuted if expression is not true fi 一個簡單的實例 [plain] cat ifparam.sh #!/bin/sh if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then echo "Usage:`basename $0` arg1 arg2 arg3" >&2 exit 1 fi #EOF echo "arg1:$1" echo "arg1:$2" echo "arg1:$3" 腳本注解: 1.$#表示參數輸入的個數 2.basename $0打印文件的名稱 3.若輸入小於三個參數則,將輸出一個信息,這個信息被當做是錯誤信息(>&2)。 執行腳本: sh ifparam.sh scott tom Usage:ifparam.sh arg1 arg2 arg3 sh ifparam.sh scott tom jim arg1:scott arg1:tom arg1:jim 再來看一個測試: [plain] cat ifeditor.sh #!/bin/csh #if [ -z $EDITOR ]① #if [ -z "`echo $EDITOR`" ]③ #下面這種寫法不能正確的計算出環境的值 #因為wc -c計算包括新的空的行 #if [ `echo $EDITOR | wc -c` -eq 0 ]② if [ -z "`echo $EDITOR`" ] then echo "Your EDITOR environment is not set" else echo "Using $EDITOR as the default editor" fi #EOF sh ifeditor.sh Your EDITOR environment is not set 這裡使用三種方式去檢測環境變量是否設置; ①直接報錯:語法錯誤 ②正確寫法,使用test檢測,-z表示如果為設置則長度為0返回值為true ③wc -c計算包括了空行,所以不准確 第三種:if ... elif ... fi,具體如下: [plain] if [ expression 1 ]; then statement(s) to be sxecuted if expression 1 is true elif [ expression 2 ]; then statement(s) to be sxecuted if expression 2 is true elif [ expression 3 ]; then statement(s) to be sxecuted if expression 3 is true else statement(s) to be sxecuted if no expression is true fi 下面是一個比較兩個數字大小的例子: [plain] cat elif.sh #!/bin/sh if [ $1 == $2 ]; then echo "the first number is equal to the next" elif [ $1 -gt $2 ]; then echo "the first number is great than the next" elif [ $1 -lt $2 ]; then echo "the first number is great than the next" else echo "None of the condition met" fi #EOF 當不輸入任何數字的時候,也就是為空,結果如下: sh elif.sh the first number is equal to the next 當輸入數字的時候,如下: sh elif.sh 10 20 elif.sh: test: unknown operator == 這種情況,我們可以將其錯誤信息輸入到一個文件當中,如下: sh elif.sh 10 20 > log.txt 2>&1 cat log.txt elif.sh: test: unknown operator == 當將“==”號修改為-eq,結果如下: sh elif.sh 10 20 the first number is less than the next 下面是一個if的實例,包括這三種命令格式; 腳本的作用是創建一個目錄,如果不輸入任何值,則打印腳本的作用說明; 輸入則提示是否創建,輸入非提示,則報錯誤,否則按提示走。 [plain] #!/bin/sh DIR=$1 if [ "$DIR" = "" ]; then echo "Usage:`basename $0` directory to create" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ -d $DIR ]; then echo "Directory $DIR exists" else echo "The Directory does exist" echo -n "Create it now?[y..n]:" read ANS if [ "$ANS" = "y" ] || [ "$ANS" = "Y" ]; then echo "creating now" mkdir $DIR > log.txt 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Errors creating the directory $DIR" >&2 exit 1 fi echo "Creating successful" elif [ "$ANS" = "n" ] || [ "$ANS" = "N" ]; then echo "Giving up creating directory $DIR" else echo "Bad input" fi fi #EOF 1.不輸入參數 sh ifmkdir.sh Usage:ifmkdir.sh directory to create 2.輸入一個存在的目錄,提示目錄已經存在: sh ifmkdir.sh test Directory test exists 查看確實有test目錄: [ -d test ] echo $? 0 創建test1目錄:sh ifmkdir.sh test1 The Directory does exist Create it now?[y..n]:y creating now Creating successful 3.執行腳本,但不想創建目錄: sh ifmkdir.sh test2 The Directory does exist Create it now?[y..n]:n Giving up creating directory test2 4.執行腳本時,不按照提示輸入: sh ifmkdir.sh test2 The Directory does exist Create it now?[y..n]:d Bad input
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