Linux教程網 >> Linux綜合 >> Linux資訊 >> 更多Linux >> linux下ape格式文件的播放


日期:2017/2/27 14:20:36   编辑:更多Linux
主頁:http://www.monkeysaudio.com/簡介:Monkey’s Audio is a fast and easy way to compress digital music. Unlike traditional methods sUCh as mp3, ogg, or lqt that permanently discard quality to save space, Monkey’s Audio only makes perfect, bit-for-bit copies of your music. That means it always sounds perfect – exactly the same as the original. Even though the sound is perfect, it still saves a lot of space. (think of it as a beefed-up WinZip™ for your music) The other great thing is that you can always decompress your Monkey's Audio files back to the exact, original files. That way, you'll never have to recopy your CD collection to switch formats, and you'll always be able to recreate the original music CD if something ever happens to yours.目前大多數Linux下的播放器不能播放.cue或者.ape格式的文件,是因為缺少相關的插件。比較幸運的是,已經有人做了相關的工作,並且將ape的插件移植到了xmms 和bmp上了可以到http://supermmx.org/download/下載相關插件,編譯安裝首先編譯 Monkey's Audio Codec non-win32 Port這裡只做一處提醒,就是編譯mac需要NASM#./configure#make && make install然後在編譯相關插件編譯插件需要相應的播放器的開發包,比如xmms-dev等所有工作結束以後,打開播放器,激活插件,就可以欣賞高品質的ape的音樂了。另外對於debian的用戶,可以安裝uo的debian包可以添加deb FTP://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo ;sid marillat rareware ustc Java jrfonseca fireflydeb-src ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo ;sid marillat rareware ustc java jrfonseca firefly到sources.list,事實上只要打開ustc這一支就可以#apt-get install mac libxmms-mac就可以了注意,安裝結束後應該關閉source的uo分支,以免升級的時候引發問題

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