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在FreeBSD上用mpd5構建PPTP VPN Server

日期:2017/3/1 16:20:23   编辑:BSD
在FreeBSD上用mpd5構建PPTP VPN Server 幫一個朋友公司維護服務器,很變態,他們的服務器放在某國企自建機房,設定了僅允許通過朋友公司路由器固定IP地址才能連接訪問,遠程管理維護極不方便。正好平時為了測試和內部版本管理方便,在他們公司內部搭建了一台服務器,就用這個來做個跳板吧。 服務器安裝的是FreeBSD 9.1 64位版,安裝過程就不贅述了,直接進主題: 1、更新ports #portsnap fetch update 2、安裝MPD5 #cd /usr/ports/net/mpd5 #make install clean 3、配置 #cp /usr/local/etc/mpd5/mpd.conf.sample mpd.conf #ee /usr/local/etc/mpd5/mpd.conf 修改 startup: default: pptp_server: 這三塊 部分粘貼如下,修改見備注 startup: # configure mpd users set user shuqi888 loveosc ### 設置 mpd 的訪問帳號及密碼,通過 telnet 或 web 訪問時需要此帳號,此例中管理員名shuqi888,密碼loveosc #set user foo1 bar1 # configure the console set console self 5005 set console open # configure the web server set web self 5006 set web open # Default configuration is "dialup" default: #load dialup 注釋掉dialup load pptp_server ### 更改默認調用 pptp_server 模塊 pptp_server: # # Mpd as a PPTP server compatible with Microsoft Dial-Up Networking clients. # # Suppose you have a private Office LAN numbered and the # machine running mpd is at, and also has an externally visible # IP address of # # We want to allow a client to connect to from out on the Internet # via PPTP. We will assign that client the address and proxy-ARP # for that address, so the virtual PPP link will be numbered local # and remote. From the client machine's perspective, it will # appear as if it is actually on the network, even though in # reality it is somewhere far away out on the Internet. # # Our DNS server is at and our NBNS (WINS server) is at # If you don't have an NBNS server, leave that line out. # # Define dynamic IP address pool. set ippool add pool1 ##這裡可以設定撥入後的私有IP # Create clonable bundle template named B create bundle template B set iface enable proxy-arp set iface idle 1800 set iface enable tcpmssfix set ipcp yes vjcomp # Specify IP address pool for dynamic assigment. set ipcp ranges ippool pool1 set ipcp dns ### 設置 dns,我喜歡谷歌的 #set ipcp nbns ###如果你用不到 wins 的話,可以注釋掉這塊, # The five lines below enable Microsoft Point-to-Point encryption # (MPPE) using the ng_mppc(8) netgraph node type. set bundle enable compression set ccp yes mppc set mppc yes e40 set mppc yes e128 set mppc yes stateless # Create clonable link template named L create link template L pptp # Set bundle template to use set link action bundle B # Multilink adds some overhead, but gives full 1500 MTU. set link enable multilink set link yes acfcomp protocomp set link no pap chap eap set link enable chap # We can use use RADIUS authentication/accounting by including # another config section with label 'radius'. # load radius set link keep-alive 10 60 # We reducing link mtu to avoid GRE packet fragmentation. set link mtu 1460 # Configure PPTP set pptp self ###設置 pptp 的監聽 ip 地址,也就是你的網卡的 真實IP 地址,這裡一定要注意,如果是通過路由器端口映射出去的主機,這裡不能填路由器地址,而應該是網卡上配置的真實IP地址。 # Allow to accept calls set link enable incoming 保存退出。 4、設定及啟動 #ee /etc/rc.conf 加入 mpd_enable="YES" 啟動mpd5 #/usr/local/etc/rc.d/mpd5 start 添加VPN帳號 #ee /usr/local/etc/mpd5/mpd.secret 輸入用戶名和密碼,一行一個,如 vpnuser1 password001 啟用包轉發(不做這一步,雖然可以連上VPN,但只能訪問內網,無法訪問外網) #sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding=1 至此安裝配置完成,可以在Windows中新建一個VPN連接了。 通過web訪問可以看到當前撥入連接的狀態
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