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Android monkey test 腳本的編寫

日期:2017/3/1 11:12:44   编辑:Linux編程

Android 的 monkey test 工具提供了 -f scriptfile 參數,可以指定 test 腳本,然而翻遍了 Android 的網站也沒有找到這個腳本的文檔,最終只在 monkey 的源碼 MonkeySourceScript.java 中找到了一小段注釋,裡面給了一個不到 10 行例子:

  1. /**
  2. * monkey event queue. It takes a script to produce events
  3. *
  4. * sample script format:
  5. * type= raw events
  6. * count= 10
  7. * speed= 1.0
  8. * start data >>
  9. * captureDispatchPointer(5109520,5109520,0,230.75429,458.1814,0.20784314,
  10. * 0.06666667,0,0.0,0.0,65539,0)
  11. * captureDispatchKey(5113146,5113146,0,20,0,0,0,0)
  12. * captureDispatchFlip(true)
  13. * ...
  14. */
有了這個例子之後稍微好辦了些,至少有搜索的關鍵詞了,於是用 captureDispatchPointer 很快就找到了一篇自動化測試的文章,(以下是引用)
  1. "DispatchPointer";"DispatchTrackball";"DispatchKey";"DispatchFlip";這幾個最主要的函數
  2. 按鍵事件:參見android.view KeyEvent.java
  3. DispatchKey(downTime, //@param: The time (in {@link android.os.SystemClock#uptimeMillis}) at which this key code originally went down.毫秒
  4. eventTime, //at which this event happened.
  5. action, //Action code: either {@link #ACTION_DOWN=0}, {@link #ACTION_UP=1}, or {@link #ACTION_MULTIPLE=2}.
  6. code, //The key code. 見附錄1, 比如KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN(20)KEYCODE_DPAD_UP(19)
  7. repeat, //A repeat count for down events (> 0 if this is after the initial down) or event count for multiple events.
  8. metaState, //Flags indicating which meta keys are currently pressed.
  9. device, //The device ID that generated the key event.
  10. scancode) //Raw device scan code of the event.
  11. DispatchPointer,DispatchTrackball(downTime, eventTime,
  12. action, x, y, pressure, size, metaState, xPrecision, yPrecision,
  13. device, edgeFlags);
  14. @action The kind of action being performed -- one of either{@link #ACTION_DOWN=0}, {@link #ACTION_MOVE=1}, {@link #ACTION_UP=2}, or{@link #ACTION_CANCEL=3}.
  15. @param x The X coordinate of this event.
  16. @param y The Y coordinate of this event.
  17. @param pressure The current pressure of this event. The pressure generally ranges from 0 (no pressure at all) to 1 (normal pressure), however values higher than 1 may be generated depending on the calibration of the input device.
  18. @param size: A scaled value of the approximate size of the area being pressed touched with the finger. The actual value in pixels corresponding to the finger touch is normalized with a device specific range of values and scaled to a value between 0 and 1.
  19. @param metaState The state of any meta / modifier keys that were in effect when the event was generated.
  20. @param xPrecision The precision of the X coordinate being reported.
  21. @param yPrecision The precision of the Y coordinate being reported.
  22. @param deviceId The id for the device that this event came from. An id of zero indicates that the event didn't come from a physical device; other numbers are arbitrary and you shouldn't depend on the values.
  23. @param edgeFlags A bitfield indicating which edges, if any, where touched by this MotionEvent
  24. captureDispatchFlip(true)是否打開滑蓋,true是打開
  1. # Start of Script
  2. type= user
  3. count= 49
  4. speed= 1.0
  5. start data >>
  6. LaunchActivity(com.mpowerlabs.coin.android, com.mpowerlabs.coin.android.LoginActivity)
  7. # 3120021258
  8. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_3)
  9. UserWait(200)
  10. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_1)
  11. UserWait(200)
  12. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_3)
  13. UserWait(200)
  14. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_5)
  15. UserWait(200)
  16. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_0)
  17. UserWait(200)
  18. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_2)
  19. UserWait(200)
  20. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_1)
  21. UserWait(200)
  22. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_2)
  23. UserWait(200)
  24. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_5)
  25. UserWait(200)
  26. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_8)
  27. UserWait(200)
  28. # Pin 12345
  29. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN)
  30. UserWait(250)
  31. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_1)
  32. UserWait(200)
  33. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_2)
  34. UserWait(200)
  35. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_3)
  36. UserWait(200)
  37. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_4)
  38. UserWait(200)
  39. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_5)
  40. UserWait(200)
  41. # Down and enter
  42. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_DPAD_DOWN)
  43. UserWait(250)
  44. DispatchPress(KEYCODE_ENTER)

adb shell monkey -f <script file> <運行腳本的次數>

例如,我們放一個腳本到 /sdcard/monkey.script,然後運行:

adb shell monkey -f /sdcard/monkey.script 10,那麼這個腳本裡面指定的動作就會被執行10次。


  1. DispatchPointer(long downTime, long eventTime, int action,
  2. float x, float y, float pressure, float size, int metaState,
  3. float xPrecision, float yPrecision, int device, int edgeFlags)
  4. DispatchTrackball(long downTime, long eventTime, int action,
  5. float x, float y, float pressure, float size, int metaState,
  6. float xPrecision, float yPrecision, int device, int edgeFlags)
  7. DispatchKey(long downTime, long eventTime, int action, int code,
  8. int repeat, int metaState, int device, int scancode)
  9. DispatchFlip(boolean keyboardOpen)
  10. DispatchPress(int keyCode)
  11. LaunchActivity(String pkg_name, String cl_name)
  12. UserWait(long sleeptime)
  13. LongPress()
鍵值列表參見 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent.html。
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